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How To Create PHP MySQL Reports

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Are you looking for build MySQL Report by using PHP?

KoolReport helps to analyze your MySQL data and ultimately turn them into visual reports or dynamic dashboards. Its feature can be listed:

  1. Various data sources: Able to connect and get data from databases such as MySQL, SQL Server, Oracle, MongoDB as well as from CSV, Excel files.
  2. Powerful data processing: KoolReport contains many processes to support data cleansing, data manipulation and data analysis.
  3. Stunning data visualization: Present your data in beautiful charts powered by Google Charts library and many other visual widgets.

It is designed to be simple, fast and extensible. Very simple to install and use, working fast to handle large amount of data and able to extend feature and capability through various add-on packages.

Searching no more, you have found the best solution for building MySQL Report.

Get KoolReport Now

#214 opened on Feb 8, 2018 by bysystem with last post of Rafa
#730 opened on Mar 6, 2019 by JTBB with last post of KoolReport
#428 opened on Aug 22, 2018 by Zubin with last post of KoolReport
#322 opened on Jun 14, 2018 by Keith Burke with last post of KoolReport