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KoolReport update to 1.47.3 #106

Open bysystem opened this topic on on Sep 8, 2017 - 2 comments

bysystem commented on Sep 8, 2017

Dear support team,

first of all many thx for this great update inkl. Input package 2.5.0.

I would like to update my KoolReport version to the latest one 1.47.3.

In the meanwhile with my current version 1.46.x I I received many updates directly from you as ZIP files related to inputs package, pivot package etc.

My question: If I update the KoolReport to 1.47.3 do I need to subtstitude all the packages manually again or does the new version 1.47 contains all the previous packages?

Or are the packages folders not affected from the KoolReport update genarally?

Kind regards, bysystem

KoolReport commented on Sep 8, 2017


The version KoolReport 1.47.3 does not contain any packages, you may just overwrite the old koolreport folder with the new one in KoolReport 1.47.3. All the files will be replaced except for packages (because new version does not have any packages to overwrite that folder).

bysystem commented on Sep 8, 2017

Thx a lot for your explanation! It works fine!

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