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Trying to access array offset on value of type null at PlannerGoals.view.php:352) #1261

Closed paulo opened this topic on on Jan 16, 2020 - 4 comments

paulo commented on Jan 16, 2020

I am not sure why I am getting this error. I don't think there is any 'null' value coming back. I even checked with ifnull(paid_on,0) Values work fine if I list them as columns, but when I try to capture to compare and format another column, I get this error. Here is what I'm trying to do:

                "formatValue"=> function($value,$row) {
                    // $tourID = $value; // or = $row["tourid"];
                    $tourID =  $row["TotalEst"];
                    $tourName = $row["paid_on"];
                    $color = $tourID>=$tourName?"#718c00":"#e83e8c";
                    return "<span style='color:$color'>$".number_format($value)."</span>";


If I remove the formatValue clause, it works fine and it shows the TotalEst AND the paid_on. Why I can't access the TotalEst through $tourID = $row["TotalEst"]; and/or $tourName = $row["paid_on"]; Note: paid_o comes from the database select query, TotalEst is calculated using: ->pipe(new CalculatedColumn(array(

                     return ( $data["ETPlannerEst"]+$data["ETQuoterEst"]);

what am I doing wrong? thank you

KoolReport commented on Jan 17, 2020

It happens at footer, when the formatValue is called but only $value of total is available. You can check if $row is null, if it is null then do not do the calculation, just provide the format for the $value.

paulo commented on Jan 17, 2020

Thank you. I've added if($row!=null) BUT now I don't see the totals at the bottom.... How can I format and keep the totals at the bottom? thank you !

                "formatValue"=> function($value,$row) {
                    if ($row!=null) {
                        // $tourID = $value; // or = $row["tourid"];
                        $tourID = $row["TotalEst"];
                        $tourName = $row["paid_on"];
                        $color = $tourID >= $tourName ? "#718c00" : "#FF0000";
                        return "<span style='color:$color'>$" . number_format($value) . "</span>";
KoolReport commented on Jan 17, 2020

You should do:

if ($row!=null)
                        // $tourID = $value; // or = $row["tourid"];
                        $tourID = $row["TotalEst"];
                        $tourName = $row["paid_on"];
                        $color = $tourID >= $tourName ? "#718c00" : "#FF0000";
                        return "<span style='color:$color'>$" . number_format($value) . "</span>";
    return "<span style='color:#000'>$" . number_format($value) . "</span>";
paulo commented on Jan 17, 2020

thank you very much. It worked now!

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