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Setting a variable from a datasource #1283

Open andra opened this topic on on Feb 4, 2020 - 2 comments

andra commented on Feb 4, 2020


Before asking my question, I prefer to clarify that I am not a developer, but that did not prevent me from succeeding in creating a nice report

KoolReport commented on Feb 5, 2020

Hi Andra,

Thank you for trying our KoolReport, could you please let me know detail of your difficulty or your need in setting variable from a datasource. Please describe to us your use-case?

andra commented on Feb 5, 2020


I would like to retrieve the value of the datastore in a variable. It is a question of recovering the number of error in a variable. To display or not the graph if no error is found

$dump_source = $this->src('repport')->query("select DATUM, UZEIT,'$client' AS CLIENT, COUNT(CLIENT) AS NmbDump FROM DUMP");

Another question, is it possible to display only what is greater than 0

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