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Hierachical category display #1362

Open Dean Perry opened this topic on on Mar 29, 2020 - 5 comments

Dean Perry commented on Mar 29, 2020

Hi - new user evaluating whether KoolReports will work for me.

I run a product information management business www.prouducty.com and am looking to add a reporting module to our existing functionality.

I need to be able to provide a report that loops through the category tree structure, to varying depths of categories, and display something like the following:


-Switches & power points
--Socket outlets
---Skirting mount GPOs
---Dimmer with extra switch
---Shaver outlets
--Face plates
---Premium face plates
---Standard face plates
--Fan controls & dimmers
---Fan controls
----Leading edge dimmers
----Trailing edge dimmers

Is this sort of thing possible with KoolReport? We have all the data in a MySQL database.



Dean Perry commented on Mar 29, 2020

Further to my initial post above, the categories are all referenced in a single, self-referencing, Category table within my application:

CategoryID ParentCategoryID (FK to same table parent record) CategoryName SortOrder etc

"Socket outlets" would reference "Switches & power outlets" in its ParentCategoryID, and so on.

We are able to efficiently pull this out of the database for use within jsTree, I want to have a printed report that matches the structure shown in this image:

David Winterburn commented on Mar 30, 2020

Hi Dean,

Would you please clarify is this a type of hierarchical menu or hierarchical grid and what your full report looks like? Thanks!

Dean Perry commented on Mar 30, 2020

Thanks David What I'd like is to be able to create a simple text based report that just iterated through each of the different categories and subcategories. It would literally just be like this, but with each different level styled accordingly (h1/h2/h3 or whatever)

-Switches & power points
--Socket outlets
---Skirting mount GPOs
---Dimmer with extra switch
---Shaver outlets
--Face plates
---Premium face plates
---Standard face plates
--Fan controls & dimmers
---Fan controls
----Leading edge dimmers
----Trailing edge dimmers
KoolReport commented on Mar 30, 2020

It look to me that you are building a menu on the left handside and then click on the menu will show detail report at the right hand side. Is it true?.

If it is not correct what you plan to build. Please provide us a simple drawing of what your report look like (including fake data).

Dean Perry commented on Apr 2, 2020

Hi David As we looked into this some more we realised that trying to create the data using a single query was going be be impossible. Instead, we will create an API and use it to push a pile of different report columns to KoolReport. Thanks for your prompt replies above - I will let you know if we strike any other challenges as we progress. Dean

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