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Merge data of multiple query in single datasource #1434

Closed ankit opened this topic on on May 9, 2020 - 4 comments

ankit commented on May 9, 2020

Dear David , I really thanks to solve my last query please help me once more time I am post new query I want to use multiple query and merge data of all query result in pivot 2d, I want create column and put value of other query result because many time its not possible to get data from single query. So i want to know how to manage and merge custom data or result of more than on query

In this image i want add a column with name Balance Forward and get the value by other query and display here please help me and give some example or documentation about this.

KoolReport commented on May 9, 2020

You can have multiple query and then join data using Join process. The joined data then later is passed to Pivot process and display in Pivot widget. The point here is that you need to join data first before turn them into Pivot.

ankit commented on May 11, 2020

can you share any example or documentation ?

KoolReport commented on May 11, 2020

Here is the documentation of Join process. You have known how to query from multiple sources so the next is to join them into one. The joined one will then pipe to Pivot process before storing to dataStore for later visualized.

ankit commented on May 11, 2020

thanks david

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