Hi guys,
I have a report that uses some function in view to determine if a value is greater or smaller than a value and changes the color in the css cell value (Table output) . I don't have the pdf export package but I wonder if it keeps the format of the css in it's output ?
my code in the view is like this :
"fw" => array(
"label" => "Fresh Water",
"formatValue" => function($value,$row)
$color = $row["daysoffw"]<=10?"#ff0000":"#000";
return "<span style='color:$color'>".number_format($value)."</span>";
In short, will I keep this formatting in my pdf export simple as that or there's more to consider ? Also what happens with cells that have 2 -3 lines of text ? I'm asking because now I use fpdf library to produce the pdf's and it needs heavy tweaking to implement the multicell function for the text and I haven't yet started to see if the coloring function can be made at all.