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Laravel - Integration vs Packages #1631

Open Seattle AIT opened this topic on on Sep 27, 2020 - 2 comments

Seattle AIT commented on Sep 27, 2020


I am slightly confused on using KoolReports with Laravel 7+. Currently, the docs have multiple options. If I do the steps under integraton - https://www.koolreport.com/docs/integration/laravel/ - do I also need to install the Laravel package (https://www.koolreport.com/docs/laravel/overview/) and if I want to do blade instead of view do I need to install the blade package as well (https://www.koolreport.com/docs/blade/overview/)?

I did install of them and I have the report working - doing it just the integration way as well as doing it the Laravel package way, but both do not have any CSS included for the table. No assets are being blocked, I have tried doing "use .. bootstrap" and "use ...friendship". I figure I have some conflicts here and probably need to either remove a package or change the controllers around a bit.

Thank you!

David Winterburn commented on Sep 28, 2020


Would you please open your browser's dev tool (F12) on your report page and see if there's any error (often in red messages) and send us some screenshot together with your report's php code? Thanks!

Seattle AIT commented on Sep 28, 2020

Before we dive into that, I just want clarification regarding the integration vs the packages documentation. Do we need to install the Laravel and Blade extension or is that not needed anymore as the docs seem to indicate that?

On a side, no errors. All assets load. JS is there within the public folder. The CSS that is being loaded is just very minimal. I will post code as soon as I get to that machine today.

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