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Positioning various charts beside and on top of each other (4 lines, 2 rows) to show a collective dashboard #1661

Closed Markus Mohr opened this topic on on Oct 12, 2020 - 5 comments

Markus Mohr commented on Oct 12, 2020

I would like to know whether there is a template which shows how to create a dashboard with, say, 8 different charts, 4 in one line spread over 2 rows - is there any example available?

KoolReport commented on Oct 14, 2020

The client-side of KoolReport is based on Bootstrap, to make the grid like you described, please have a look at Bootstrap Grid system.

Markus Mohr commented on Oct 14, 2020

Thank you very much for this information, it helps me a lot "structuring the structures".

Markus Mohr commented on Oct 14, 2020

An additional question, if I may:

When applying a 3 charts in 2 rows = 6 charts situation, the chart gets compressed horizontally. How can I maintain the aspect ratio - is there a method to influence the corresponding height of a chart to preserve this ratio?

Markus Mohr commented on Oct 14, 2020

And one last question, then I am happy:

With some charts, the legend on its right side, read from a database (MySQL), are truncated. How can I avoid this - is there a switch regarding the width of this?

Markus Mohr commented on Oct 14, 2020

And finally:

If I have the exact same query structure for, say, "surgery 1" compared to "surgery 2" displaying the always same 5 surgery types - when they have different percentage results, the highest one, the second one, etc. always receive the same color

How can I make each individual of the 5 surgery types retain the same color independent of their percentage?

Now, if you answered also this very last one, I would be really happy.

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