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Aspect ratio #1676

Closed Markus Mohr opened this topic on on Oct 21, 2020 - 2 comments

Markus Mohr commented on Oct 21, 2020

When applying a 3 charts in 2 rows = 6 charts situation for a kind of dashboard, I would like to resize the aspect ratio accordingly by being able to handle both width and height. However, the chart gets compressed horizontally. How can I maintain the aspect ratio - is there a method to influence the corresponding height of a chart to preserve this ratio?

KoolReport commented on Oct 29, 2020

It is unlucky that Google Chart does not support ratio preservation yet, you may try the chartjs instead.

Markus Mohr commented on Oct 29, 2020

Thank you very much for your answer, I see.

My next step is to buy KoolReport Pro, anyway, so that I will have access to the full-blown product.

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