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Are these typos or meaning something #1719

Closed EmaPromenna opened this topic on on Nov 19, 2020 - 1 comments

EmaPromenna commented on Nov 19, 2020

While purchasing the license, we have noticed following in bold. Are these spelling mistakes or means something else? in Bold

Add-on None After 1 year of subscription, you may renew with only 50% of the price to enjoy another year of usage, priority support and upgade.

Perpetual Usage (additional cost $249) After 1 year of subscription, even though you may not receive priority support and upgrade, you can continue to use KoolReport Pro forever. Still, you have chance to renew subscription with only 50% of price to receive another year of support and upgrade.

Perpetual Usage, Priority Support and Upgrade There is no license expiry. You can use KoolReport Pro forever. You also enjoy the Life-Time privilege of Priority Support and Free Upgrage. You will never be concerned about future price changed. Pay Once, Use Forever! Since this add-on is very special, we only offer a limited number per year.

KoolReport commented on Nov 19, 2020

Hi Ema,

Thank you for letting us know. They are just typos and have been fixed.

Thank you very much and looking forward to serving you as our customer.

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