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ColumnChart call to external procedure #1738

Open max burgio opened this topic on on Nov 27, 2020 - 2 comments

max burgio commented on Nov 27, 2020

Hi to All,

I would like to ask one question.

Is it possible to call a procedure from a column of the ColumnChart (or another compatible graphic) passing the parameters relative to the row?

Thanks for your attention :)


KoolReport commented on Nov 27, 2020

Can you describe more about your case

max burgio commented on Dec 1, 2020

of course! I was wondering if it was possible to use a procedure similar to the one that allows you to use, for example, the "Table" class, through the "function" "formatValue" => function ($ value, $ row) {}, through the use of the "href" command to invoke another php procedure, even for graphs. Specifically for the ColumnChart chart. I would like to be able to invoke a procedure by clicking on a bar in the graph, for example, and passing it the row values. It's possible?

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