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Creating a form with Inputs #1764

Closed Richb201 opened this topic on on Dec 15, 2020 - 5 comments

Richb201 commented on Dec 15, 2020

I need to create a form with Inputs. I need a radio button followed by 8 text fields. In looking through the documents I see:


My 2 radio choices don't need to come from a datastore. Rather I just need to hard code them.

For text fields, I think I can handle them, but an example would be nice. Any example of a simple form using inputs?

KoolReport commented on Dec 16, 2020

You try:



Richb201 commented on Dec 16, 2020

That worked great. Thx. This is what I finally used: <?php

                   "Pharma Research Study Toolkit",
                   "Software Research Study Toolkit",

What I'd like to do is instead of using the text "Pharma Research Study Toolkit", I'd like to use the logo for the Pharma Research Study Toolkit.m which I have at a path <script type="text/JavaScript"><img src="<?php echo base_url(); ?>assets/themes/default/images/new_blue_logo_sub240x240.png" style="float:left;margin-top:5px;z-index:5" alt="logo"/> </script>';

Is there any simple way to do this?

KoolReport commented on Dec 16, 2020

You do:

                   "Pharma Research Study Toolkit"=>"<img src='".base_url()."assets/themes/default/images/new_blue_logo_sub240x240.png' style='float:left;margin-top:5px;z-index:5' alt='logo'/>",
                   "Software Research Study Toolkit"=>"...",
Richb201 commented on Dec 16, 2020

you are fast! thx

KoolReport commented on Dec 16, 2020

You are welcome :)

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