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Trouble getting value from Select #1853

Closed Richb201 opened this topic on on Jan 20, 2021 - 3 comments

Richb201 commented on Jan 20, 2021

I am having an issue with generating the report in the view file. Prior running the view, I have loaded up an array(TY) and a last_TY and put them in the session variables. Now I am in the view and here is the code:

echo "<br><br><br><br><br><br><h3>Report for:  ".$_SESSION['campaign']." for tax year ended ".$_SESSION['last_TY'];
<form method="post">
    "data"=>$_SESSION['TY'],  //this is a list of years in an array
    <button type="submit">Submit</button>

if (isset($_POST['taxyear']))

The problem is that when a user picks a taxyear from the Select, and then pressed Submit, the echo is not working. Instead is is showing the PREVIOUS tax year. The only way to get <?php echo "<br><br><br><br><br><br><h3>Report for: ".$_SESSION['campaign']." for tax year ended ".$_SESSION['last_TY']; ?> to run with the proper value, is to press select again.

KoolReport commented on Jan 20, 2021

You put the last code on top like this

if (isset($_POST['taxyear']))

echo "<br><br><br><br><br><br><h3>Report for:  ".$_SESSION['campaign']." for tax year ended ".$_SESSION['last_TY'];
Richb201 commented on Jan 21, 2021

That worked great. Thx. Let me confirm what I am seeing: When report->run->render() is run the following modules run: a) the report -creation of datastores b) the report view - creation of Table or Charts or whatever

when I modify the date (via Select) and press 'submit', only b is running. (a) does not run again.

For me this means that I better not include a WHERE in (a) that is dependent on the date modified in (b), since it is not running again!

In addition, I have the following in my view file

                "footerText"=>"<b>Total Wages:</b> @value"
            "footerText"=>"<b>Total Wages Qualified:</b> @value"
        "table"=>"table-bordered table-striped table-hover"

Can I filter this (to a specific taxyear) within this statement? I know how to create a filter when building the datastore (in a).

KoolReport commented on Jan 21, 2021

No it does not. Both (a) and (b) runs.


The run() will prepare dataStores, and the render() will trigger the view to be rendered with data prepared from run().

You can use the $_POST["taxyear"] in setup() function to change your query if any.

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