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I really love the koolreport as it name stands #1865

Open Awet Kibreab opened this topic on on Jan 25, 2021 - 3 comments

Awet Kibreab commented on Jan 25, 2021

It stands out but where should the koolreport package store in code igniter using composer, by default the package is stored in root folder of the application, but if i downloaded the koolreport along side the codeigniter package it show you storing them in libararies folder. Can you help me if there is any new way of using it.

KoolReport commented on Jan 25, 2021

Hi Awet,

Thank you for liking the KoolReport name. We hope after awhile you love what it brings as well :)

For your questions, the location of "koolreport" in your project is not important. You can put it at anywhere that you like. The most importance is you need to make reference to the "koolreport/core/autoload.php".

require_once "path/to/koolreport/core/autoload.php";

In our tutorial of How to use KoolReport in CodeIgniter we choose"libraries" because it is the way codeigniter organized 3rd party libraries and it is familiar with CodeIgniter's developers.

P.S: If you are using composer to install KoolReport, the library will be store in "vendor/koolreport" folder and you do not need to include koolreport/core/autoload.php. You only need to require_once "vendor/autoload.php"; because composer will load koolreport automatically.

Hope that helps.

Awet Kibreab commented on Jan 26, 2021

Definitely It helps me a lot, I love it, I want to buy the Kool report pro version, the thing is that I our country we don't use accounts like credit card and others. So Is there any other means that I can buy that software for my company.

KoolReport commented on Jan 26, 2021

Great that you want to get KoolReport Pro license, we are giving free Dashboard Framework this month. So where are you located? Beside the Credit cards, we have few other payment methods:

  1. Paypal
  2. Wire transfer
  3. Web Money
  4. UnionPay

Which ones work with you?

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