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Joomla cms crud data table #1921

Open BiLe opened this topic on on Feb 24, 2021 - 1 comments

BiLe commented on Feb 24, 2021


I am interested in the PRO version of KoolReport, but I need to make sure it will work inside Joomla 3.x CMS.

I have downloaded core files and uploaded them to my server.

I am using a theme with Joomla, that includes a pagebuilder (balbooa.com). Regularlabs Sourcerer allows me to run PHP code inside my pages. As an example, the following CRUD solution does work inside my pages: gridphp.com

Therefore I figured, I could inject KoolReports as well following this example:


Well, the page will load with the following error: syntax error, unexpected 'use' (T_USE)

Any thoughts on this?


Is it possible to create an inline editable CRUD data table from a MySQL Query, using KoolReport?

Excel like editing?


Thank you.

KoolReport commented on Feb 26, 2021

Hi BiLe,

Thank you very much for your interest in our product.

KoolReport table currently does not support CRUD yet since we focus on reporting, not transaction.

We will keep you update.


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