If in example below the first column is an incremental ID coming from mysqltable.id with value like 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,etc.
How do I make the cell render something like:
<a href="http://koolreport.com/example/$ID/page">$ID</a>
if array(0) value of mysqltable.id translates to "1" then link for first cell would be:
<a href="http://koolreport.com/example/1/page">1</a>
I did not find any examples of this on the forum or in koolreport examples.
"plugins" => ["Buttons"],
"options" => array(
"order" => [1, 'desc'],
"dom" => 'Bfrtip',
"pageLength" => 50,
"lengthMenu" => [[50, 100, 500, -1],[50, 100, 500, "Show All"]],
"buttons" => [
"table"=>"table table-striped table-bordered"
"searchOnEnter" => false,
"searchMode" => "or"