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Dashboard Framework Issues #2061

Open Christian Voß opened this topic on on May 7, 2021 - 3 comments

Christian Voß commented on May 7, 2021


I just downloaded the latest version of the dashboard framework and I recognized a few issues:

  1. Table paging isn't working. When I click on one of the buttons to load another page, I get an endlessly spinning waiting symbol.

  2. Setting the width/height on tables doesn't work. Tables always occupy 100% of the dashboard width.

  3. Is it possible to use Laravel's eloquent to define the datasource of dashboard widgets? I only found this for report widget.

I'd really appreciate some help on these items.

Thanks and best regards


KoolReport commented on May 7, 2021

Hi Christian,

For your questions:

  1. The table paging is simply an post ajax called to server. If you are using with Laravel, the request can be blocked by (1) laravel policy to prevent post request to the url path (2) the csrf() is enabled. For issue 1, please make sure that the action is accepted post and issue 2, please enable the csrf inside your dashboard app.
  2. Please put the table inside Row and then set the width for table. The width here is not in pixel but in fraction like width(1/2) width(1/3) ..etc. Following the bootstrap grid css, the screen width is divided into 12 slots and using fraction you can define how many slots the table will take. About the height, it is not possible to set, you can set it by limit number of rows in each table page (use pageSize)
  3. It is possible but limited. The data return from eloquent will be Collection and dashboard consider it like an array. It work with Table but some of complicated widget like Metric, it may not work. So better, you use our querybuilder, kind of the same like Laravel querybuilder.

Let us know if you need further information.


Christian Voß commented on May 10, 2021


and thank you very much for your help!

Issues 2 and 3 are sorted now, however I still have problems with number 1:

  1. CSRF is enabled using the laravel token, the according error on the console disappeared, however the data is still not loading. I also haven't implemented a policy for this path yet as I'm still testing.

  2. I noticed that when I'm using a SQLServer database, I cannot add the paging functionality (i.e. ->paging(10)) at all. If I do this, the data doesn't load anymore. With a MySQL database it's fine. However the paging buttons don't work on MySQL as described above.

  3. I still have an error in the console:

DevTools failed to load SourceMap: Could not load content for http://webvm/koolreport_assets/1694655994/bootstrap.bundle.min.js.map: HTTP error: status code 404, net::ERR_HTTP_RESPONSE_CODE_FAILURE DevTools failed to load SourceMap: Could not load content for http://webvm/js/utf8.js.map: HTTP error: status code 404, net::ERR_HTTP_RESPONSE_CODE_FAILURE

Did I miss to install something?

Thanks a lot in advance.


Christian Voß commented on May 10, 2021

Ok, I got it now working on MySQL. It's still not working with the SQLServer database. As soon as I add
->pageSize(10) it fails to load. I also still have these error messages in the console.

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