I'm sorry to keep you busy, but I keep on finding things that don't work, although I'm still hoping that I'm the problem.
I just added a select input to the dashboard:
"dataStore"=>(new TrendChart)->dataStore("organisation_groups"),
And i get the following error message:
Message: Illegal offset type
Line: 121
File: D:\inetpub\wwwroot\webVM\vendor\koolreport\dashboard\Dashboard.php
#0: D:\inetpub\wwwroot\webVM\vendor\koolreport\dashboard\Dashboard.php Line 121 : koolreport\dashboard\{closure}([2,"Illegal offset type","D:\\inetpub\\wwwroot\\webVM\\vendor\\koolreport\\dashboard\\Dashboard.php",121,{"items":[{}],"widgets":{"KWidget":{}},"item":{},"subWidgets":[{},{},{},{}],"wg":{}}])
I checked the line and noticed that the widget->name() function for inputs returns an array while it returns a string for all other Widgets.
Please let me know if I can do anything to fix this issue.