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Is there a way of creating a hyperlink on the results on the class = without changing the view file or usinging formatValue #2129

Closed paulo opened this topic on on Jun 7, 2021 - 2 comments

paulo commented on Jun 7, 2021

I know this can be used in the view: "formatValue" => function ($value, $row) {

                    $lastUpdate = $row["LastUpdate"];
                    $sharepoint = $row["Sharepoint"];
                    $mylink = $sharepoint ? "<a href='$sharepoint' target='_blank'>Sharepoint</a><br/>" : "";
                    return " $mylink $lastUpdate";

Is there a way I could do this in the Class file either by using SQL or one of the


transformation functions ?

A lot of reports there is no need to list all columns in the view because they are defined in the SQL command, so the only reason I am repeating the same list of columns now for some reports is due to adding a hyperlink to the report.

not a big deal, but a nice to have Thank you

Sebastian Morales commented on Jun 9, 2021

Paulo, pls try a process called Map which is a general purpose transformation process:


Let us know if you have any question regarding this. Tks,

paulo commented on Jun 18, 2021

thank you, I will try that

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