Wish I could have had a bit of support on this but it made me start to understand dashboard a bit more.
Here is how you can bring an old report into the current dashboard
when you are creating your report class like in the example in dashboard documentation
class PaymentsTable extends Dashboard
protected function widgets()
return [
class PaymentsTable extends Dashboard
protected function widgets()
$url = '<iframe id="imdb" src="'.'http://youroldreporturl" style="width: 100%; height: 100%;"></iframe>';
return [
The panel that is produced is a bootstrap card. options are header(), footer() and cssStyling and you have to set the height in your css for the panel but it works.
A feature suggestion would be to allow body call like header and footer in Panel options and then you would have full control over the card created and put old reports, that are bootstrap styled well, in your dashboard all day long.
It works quite well with this hack at least and if anyone has a better suggestion, please add it as I have spent a lot of time looking and i didnt see one
ok well im having trouble with more than one report called but still trying to figure it out