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Add some drawing to the waterfall chart #2242

Open Eugene opened this topic on on Jul 30, 2021 - 8 comments

Eugene commented on Jul 30, 2021


I have a waterfall chart like this

Is it possible to draw a x-axis from the y=0 point or add a horizontal line at the y=0 position like at the picture

KoolReport commented on Jul 30, 2021

Currently it is not possible yet so I could just record by marking your post as suggestion.

Sebastian Morales commented on Jul 30, 2021

Well, this would require another modification of the waterfall's code because it hasn't had this option yet. Pls open the file koolreport/D3/clients/waterfall/waterfall.js and replace the following line:

        }; // drawWaterfall

with these ones:

            // add a no label x axis at y value
            var xAxisYValue = 0; // change this value to what you want, here you request it at 0
            var yAxisMax = max + (max - min) * 0.1;
            var yTranslate = height * (yAxisMax - xAxisYValue) / (yAxisMax - min) ;
            // console.log(max, min, height, yTranslate);
            const xNolabel = d3
                .rangeRound([0, width])
            const xAxisNoLabel = d3.axisBottom(xNolabel);
                .attr('class', 'x axis')
                .attr('transform', `translate(0,${yTranslate})`)

        }; // drawWaterfall

Certainly you could add this as an option for the Waterfall php widget and only apply this addtional js code when the option is true. Rgds,

Eugene commented on Jul 30, 2021

Thank you - I made already a lot of changes so I created my version 2 waterfall )))

but something is going wrong because I get the line not in the 0 position.

Sebastian Morales commented on Aug 2, 2021

Pls output all these min, max values:

            console.log("max=", max, "  min=", min);
            var yAxisMax = max + (max - min) * 0.1;
            var yTranslate = height * (yAxisMax - xAxisYValue) / (yAxisMax - min) ;

We want the max in your example to be 1000 while min around -300 (the y value of the main x axis). If the min, max values are not that your yTranslate value would not be where the yValue 0 is.

In any case, since you already made a lot of change to this waterfall chart I can not be sure which formula yTranslate should be. Just experiment with the yTranslate formula till you get the additional x axis to yValue 0.

Eugene commented on Aug 2, 2021

My changes were about style not about height etc calculation. )) The logic of the calculation is not so clear but I will try

Eugene commented on Aug 2, 2021

console.log(max, min, height, yTranslate);

695 – -505 – 289.9999694824219 – 179.05301146073774

Sebastian Morales commented on Aug 6, 2021

Ok, I think when min is less than 0 we have a different real min axis value. Pls replace the following lines:

            // add a no label x axis at y value
            var xAxisYValue = 0; // change this value to what you want, here you request it at 0
            var yAxisMax = max + (max - min) * 0.1;
            var yTranslate = height * (yAxisMax - xAxisYValue) / (yAxisMax - min) ;

with these ones:

            // add a no label x axis at y value
            var xAxisYValue = 0; // change this value to what you want
            var extra = (max - min) * 0.1;
            var yAxisMax = max + extra;
            var yAxisMin = min < 0 ? min - extra : min;
            var yTranslate = height * (yAxisMax - xAxisYValue) / (yAxisMax - yAxisMin);

Let us know how it works for you. Tks,

Eugene commented on Aug 6, 2021

It is nice now. Thank you

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