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Google Line Chart vAxis call function #2302

Closed Clemens Reinhold opened this topic on on Aug 25, 2021 - 2 comments

Clemens Reinhold commented on Aug 25, 2021

Hey =)

I want to do something like this:

                    "vAxis" =>array(
                        "direction" => function($row) {
                            if ($row['timeBased'] == true) {
                                return -1;
                            else {
                                return 1;

If the row 'timeBased' is true, then the values of vAxis should be reverted.



There are multiple Charts like this in a report. Some are timeBased and others are not.

Atm it just work like this:

"vAxis" =>array(
     "direction" => "-1",


"vAxis" =>array(
     "direction" => "1",

Thank you =)

Sebastian Morales commented on Aug 26, 2021

Clemens, Google chart's direction only takes 1 or -1 value, not a function. Thus, you would have to calculate your variable $isTimeline based on your datastore's data and apply it to direction like this:

$row0 = $this->dataStore("myDS")->data()[0];
$isTimeline = $row0['timeBased'];

    "vAxis" =>array(
         "direction" => $isTimeline ? -1 : 1,
Clemens Reinhold commented on Aug 26, 2021

Thank you, it´s working perfect.

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