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If Condition Numeric Comparison not working in Custom Process #2354

Open hsw opened this topic on on Sep 24, 2021 - 3 comments

hsw commented on Sep 24, 2021


I can't seem to figure out why the following if condition with numeric comparison is not working. Can someone help? Thank you.

    protected function setup()
        $pamt = $this->params["pamt"];

        ->pipe(new ColumnMeta(array(
	->pipe(new Custom(function($row){
                  if ($row("min_amt") <= $pamt) {
                            $row["remark"] = "Eligible for subsidy";   }

KoolReport commented on Sep 24, 2021

Because you are using round brackets ( ), you should use rectangle brackets [ ] for array. Hope that helps.

Sebastian Morales commented on Sep 27, 2021

I think one of the problem is that you used an outside variable in your custom anonymous function. To use it you must use the "use" keyword:

	->pipe(new Custom(function($row) use ($pamt) { //add use ($pamt) here
                  if ($row["min_amt"] <= $pamt) {
                            $row["remark"] = "Eligible for subsidy";   }
hsw commented on Sep 27, 2021


Thanks for the replies.

Yes, the problem is outside variable seems to be ignored and the condition is always not satisfied. It works after I follow Sebastian's example.

It would be helpful to beginners if the use of external variables in the processes is mentioned in the Documentation with examples.

The bracket is a typo-error when I re-created the sample codes to this forum. Sorry about that.

Thank you very much for all the help.

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