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Chart's options in excel export #2370

Open Epitello opened this topic on on Oct 4, 2021 - 4 comments

Epitello commented on Oct 4, 2021


During an excel export, how does it possible to keep custom css of a chart ?

I tried to pass the same "colorScheme" but it seems to be ignored in excel. I also tried to pass the "excelStyle" property but it doesn't change anything. Did I miss something?


Sebastian Morales commented on Oct 5, 2021

It's unfortunate colors and font styles are not yet options for Excel's Chart widget. We will explore them in the future version of the Excel package. If you have any recommendation about this let us know. Tks,

Epitello commented on Oct 5, 2021

I have others questions about options of excel export:

  • Is it possible to show values in charts ? For example, show percent values in a pie chart. If it's possible, the data formatting will be recovered from the options chart ?

  • About Cards, Are they managed in the excel export ?

  • For the 3D's chart, is it possible to specify 3D angle ?


Sebastian Morales commented on Oct 7, 2021

1 . Here're most of the current chart options:

            'title' => 'Customer Sales by Quarter',
            'xAxisTitle' => 'Customers',
            'yAxisTitle' => 'Sales($)',
            'stacked' => true,
            'direction' => 'horizontal',
            'layout' => [
                'showValue' => true,
                'showPercent' => true,
                'showSerName' => true,
                'showLeaderLines' => true,
                'showBubbleSize' => true,
                'showCatName' => true,
                'showLegendKey' => true,
            "legend" => [
                "position" => 'r', // 'r', 'l', 't', 'b', 'tr'

2 . Card widget is not avaiblable yet, but you could use Text widget with excelStyle for similar purpose. Pls check our excel export example for the excel style array values.

3 . 3D chart's angle is an option yet.

Epitello commented on Oct 8, 2021

It works !


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