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Chart label over #2453

Open Epitello opened this topic on on Nov 22, 2021 - 5 comments

Epitello commented on Nov 22, 2021


The Labels of the legend and abscissa don't work on hover. I can't see the entire label on hover event.

This is the param's object of chart:


Sebastian Morales commented on Nov 23, 2021

Pls let us know which chart package you're using and provide your chart create's php code. Tks,

Epitello commented on Nov 23, 2021

We're using google chart.

The php's code is complex, wich part of code or params' dump do you want see ?

Sebastian Morales commented on Nov 25, 2021

We could probably change either the chart's width or its chartArea's right section like this:

    "options" => array(
        "chartArea" => array(
            "left" => 20,
            "right" => 200, //change this until your legends fit
            // "width" => 500, 
    // "width" => "1000px"
Epitello commented on Nov 25, 2021

We already have this param to control the space to the left and right. When the legend's text is cut, we expected the entire label on hover event. How can we do ? Thanks

Sebastian Morales commented on Nov 25, 2021

In our Google chart example, if a legend is cut for being too long we can still see its full value when hovering mouse over. Pls try to comment out all of your options to see if the behavior changes.

Otherwise, your page could have some mouse over event listener or or css hovering property that prevents legends tooltip. One easy way to test it is to make a blank report with only a simple Google chart in it.

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