I am using a DataTable widget on my report. when I run it I see on each column header two arrows to sort ASC/DSC. I want to disable it.
this is the DataTable code:
"name" => "myTable",
"language" => "he", //use 'DataTables.de.json'
"emptyValue" => "", // use an empty string as filler for empty values
'columnDefs' => array(
'visible' => false,
//'targets' => [$this->monthDays+6], //hide the first column
'complexHeaders' => true,
'headerSeparator' => ' - ',
"groupCellsInColumns" => [0, 1], // group similar cells in columns
'table'=>'table table-bordered w-100',
return in_array($colName, array('teacher_id','id_number', 'reason')) ? 'border-dark text-right' : 'border-dark text-center';
return in_array($colName, array('teacher_id','id_number','reason')) ? 'border-dark text-right' : 'border-dark text-center';