Hi I am trying to access kool report with my existing code igniter application. it self is a big application and recently I have bought pro version. Kindly guide me what I am doing wrong. Currently I have done the code as per example, I have getting following error :
Undefined property: koolreport\core\WidgetContainer::$queryParams Filename: visualquery/VisualQuery.php Line Number: 85
Type: Error
Message: Call to undefined method koolreport\core\WidgetContainer::paramsToValue()
Filename: C:\wamp64\www\my-folder\assets\koolreport\visualquery\VisualQuery.php
Line Number: 86
I have existing report php which is as follow..
* Class Reports
class Reports extends Admin_Controller
public function graphical_report() {
$data['report'] = new MyReport;
$this->layout->buffer('content', 'reports/graphical_report_view');
require_once APPPATH.'..\assets\koolreport\core\autoload.php';
use \koolreport\core\Utility as Util;
class MyReport extends \koolreport\KoolReport
use \koolreport\bootstrap4\Theme;
// use \koolreport\clients\Bootstrap;
use \koolreport\visualquery\Bindable;
public function defineSchemas()
return [
"salesSchema" => array(
"tables" => [
"customers" => array(
"{meta}" => [
"alias" => "Table Customers"
"customerNumber" => array(
"alias" => "Customer Number",
"customerName" => array(
"alias" => "Customer Name",
"orders" => array(
"{meta}" => [
"alias" => "Table Orders"
"orderNumber" => array(
"alias" => "Order Number"
"orderDay" => array(
"alias" => "Order Day",
"expression" => "date(orderDate)",
"type" => "date",
"orderDate" => array(
"alias" => "Order Date",
"type" => "datetime",
"orderMonth" => [
"expression" => "month(orderDate)",
"type" => "number",
// "customerNumber"=>array(
// "alias"=>"Customer Number"
// )
"orderdetails" => array(
"{meta}" => [
"alias" => "Order Details"
// "orderNumber"=>array(
// "alias"=>"Order Number"
// ),
"quantityOrdered" => array(
"alias" => "Quantity",
"type" => "number",
"priceEach" => array(
"alias" => "Price Each",
"type" => "number",
"decimal" => 2,
"prefix" => "$",
// "productCode"=>array(
// "alias"=>"Product Code"
// ),
"cost" => [
// "expression" => "orderdetails.quantityOrdered * orderdetails.priceEach",
"expression" => "quantityOrdered * priceEach",
"alias" => "Order Cost",
"type" => "number",
"decimal" => 2,
"prefix" => "$",
"products" => array(
"{meta}" => [
"alias" => "Table Products"
"productCode" => array(
"alias" => "Product Code"
"productName" => array(
// "alias" => "Product Name"
"relations" => [
["orders.customerNumber", "leftjoin", "customers.customerNumber"],
["orders.orderNumber", "join", "orderdetails.orderNumber"],
["orderdetails.productCode", "leftjoin", "products.productCode"],
"separator" => "."
function settings()
return array(
"dataSources" => array(
"automaker" => array(
"connectionString" => "mysql:host=localhost;dbname=automaker",
"username" => "root",
"password" => "",
"charset" => "utf8"
'mysql' => [
'host' => 'localhost',
'username' => 'root',
'password' => '',
'dbname' => 'automaker',
'class' => '\koolreport\datasources\MySQLDataSource',
protected function setup()
$params = Util::get($this->queryParams, 'visualquery1');
// echo "params = "; Util::prettyPrint($params);
$qb = $this->paramsToQueryBuilder($params);
// $arr = $qb->toArray();
// echo "qb array="; Util::prettyPrint($arr);
$this->query = $params ?
$qb->toMySQL() : "select * from customers where 1=0";
$this->paramQuery = $params ?
// $qb->toMySQL(['useSQLParams' => "question"]) : "select * from customers where 1=0";
$qb->toMySQL(['useSQLParams' => "name"]) : "select * from customers where 1=0";
$this->sqlParams = $qb->getSQLParams();
// echo "paramQuery="; echo $this->paramQuery; echo "<br>";
// Util::prettyPrint($this->sqlParams);
// ->query($this->query)
->pipe(new \koolreport\processes\ColumnMeta([
"Order Number" => [
"type" => "string"
"orderMonth" => [
"type" => "string"
graphical_view page:
use \koolreport\core\Utility as Util;
<title>KoolReport visual query</title>
//to view table data in table formate
//to view column char or bar char formate
// ColumnChart::create(array(
// "title"=>"Client Report",
// "dataSource"=>$clientData,
// "columns"=>array(
// "client_name"=>array("label"=>"Client name","type"=>"text"),
// "opening_balance"=>array("label"=>"Opening Balance","type"=>"number","prefix"=>"$"),
// "transactions_debit"=>array("label"=>"Debit","type"=>"number","prefix"=>"$"),
// "transactions_credit"=>array("label"=>"Credit","type"=>"number","prefix"=>"$"),
// "closing_balance"=>array("label"=>"Closing Balance","type"=>"number","prefix"=>"$"),
// )
// ));
<form method='post' class2='container box-container'>
<h1>Test visual query</h1>
// Util::prettyPrint($_POST);
"name" => "visualquery1",
// "themeBase" => "bs4",
"schema" => "salesSchema",
"defaultValue" => [
"selectDistinct" => true,
"selectTables" => [
"selectFields" => [
"filters" => [
"field" => "orders.orderDay",
"operator" => ">",
"value1" => "2001-01-01",
"value2" => "",
"logic" => "and",
"toggle" => true,
["products.productCode", "btw", "2", "998", "and", "toggle" => false],
// ["products.productName", "nbtw", "1", "", "and"],
["products.productName", "<>", "a", "", "and"],
["products.productName", "nin", "a", "", "and"],
// ["products.productName", "null", "a", "", "or"],
["products.productName", "nnull", "a", "", "and"],
["products.productName", "ctn", "a", "", "and"],
["orders.orderMonth", "btw", 0, 12, "and"],
"groups" => [
"field" => "orderdetails.cost",
"aggregate" => "sum",
"toggle" => true
"havings" => [
"field" => "sum(orderdetails.cost)",
"operator" => ">",
"value1" => "10000",
"value2" => "",
"logic" => "and",
"toggle" => true,
// ["products.productName", "<>", "a", "", "or"],
"sorts" => [
"field" => "sum(orderdetails.cost)",
"direction" => "desc",
"toggle" => true
["products.productName", "desc", "toggle" => false]
"limit" => [
"offset" => 5,
"limit" => 15,
"toggle" => false,
"activeTab" => "filters",
<div style='padding: 15px;'>
<!-- <input type='text' name='input1' value='value1' /> -->
<button type='submit' class='btn btn-primary'>Submit</button>
pre {
overflow-x: auto;
white-space: pre-wrap;
white-space: -moz-pre-wrap;
white-space: -pre-wrap;
white-space: -o-pre-wrap;
word-wrap: break-word;
<div style="margin: 30px; width:800px">
<pre style="width:800px"><?php echo $this->query; ?></pre>
// print_r($this->dataStore('vqDS')->meta());
"name" => "charttable1",
"dataSource" => $this->dataStore('vqDS'),
// "columns" => ["Quantity", "Product Name"],
"options" => [
// "order" => [[1, 'desc']],
// "ordering" => false,
// "buttons" => [],
<div style='padding: 15px;'>
// echo "queryParams = "; Util::prettyPrint($this->queryParams); echo "<br>";
// Util::prettyPrint($_POST); echo "<br>";