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Summarise a column #2679

Open Ron opened this topic on on May 17, 2022 - 4 comments

Ron commented on May 17, 2022

I have a table with many columns. each column has many rows. I want to have in the end of last row the total of each column. I prefer not to use a DataGrid if possible

Ron commented on May 18, 2022

I can not specify the list of columns in the report code under columns table property. I have over 40 columns and the names are dynamically generated so I can not hard code it.

how can i generate a code for all the columns to have a sum in the footer?

Ron commented on May 19, 2022


Sebastian Morales commented on May 21, 2022

You could use Map process in report setup to create meta's "footer" for any column you want:

->pipe(new Map(array(
    "{meta}" => function($meta) {
        $colMetas = $meta["columns"];
        foreach ($colMetas as $colName => $colMeta) {
            if ($footer_condition) $colMeta["footer"] = ...;
            $colMetas[$colName] = $colMeta;
        $meta["columns"] = $colMetas;
        return $meta;

Another option is to create your "columns" setting dynamically in your Table/DataTables widget:

$columnNames = ...;
$columnSettings = [];
foreach ($columnNames as $columnName) { 
    $columnSettings[$columnName] = [
        "footer" => ...
    "columns" => $columnSettings,

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