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Please advise Kool reports performance with 20,000 records needs to be exported on PDF #274

Open saurabh opened this topic on on May 9, 2018 - 1 comments

saurabh commented on May 9, 2018


We have a situation here. I need to provide our client with a report in pdf which has over 20,000 records.

We tried fpdf , tcpdf both does not provide satisfied results to this amount of data.

Then we tried wkhtmltopdf, its good, but then the problem is, it has very less documentation, we need to add footer,header on every page, formatting seems to be very difficult.

We found this kool report after searching on google. We have created a sample report [ web rendered page ] with 2 records from db, we were trying to export it to pdf and we came to know is a feature of pro.

__Before buying we need to evaluate its power, like is it of our use or we better shift back to wkhtmltopdf.

Please advise.__

KoolReport commented on May 9, 2018

It takes below 10-15s to generate a report with table 20,000 records. Each record has 5 columns. If you want to see the test, please email me at support@koolreport.com.

More info: Our server is rather weak (1 CPU with 2GB)so with better server I think it will reach less than 5s.

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