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Static bar #284

Open arthur opened this topic on on May 15, 2018 - 10 comments

arthur commented on May 15, 2018

I calculate the sales for each salesman, display a column chart. How could I :

  • Display a column for the total of all salesman ?
  • Display a column for the global objective ?


KoolReport commented on May 17, 2018

What you can do is to add extra row to dataStore which look like this

$extra_row = array(

$data = $this->dataStore("storeName")->data(); // <-- get data from store
array_push($data,$extra_row); // <-- Adding a total row
$this->dataStore("storeName")->data($data); //<--Push back data to store

After this code, your dataStore("storeName") will have another row contain total sale, when you draw chart, it will appear as a column.

arthur commented on May 17, 2018

Ok Perfect. And then, if I want to make a column with the sum of all sales, next to the static one ?

KoolReport commented on May 17, 2018

To sum all the sale, you do this:

$sum_all_sales = $this->dataStore("storeName")->sum("agent_sale"); // <- agent_sale is column name.

To add the column bar, just do the same like my previous code. By adding more rows to $data and at the end, save back to dataStore, you will get the new column bar in ColumnChart

arthur commented on May 18, 2018

Thanks. But he column to sum is a CalculatedColumn. So When I insert the code you give me, nothing appears...

KoolReport commented on May 18, 2018

What I mean is you have to do like this:

$static_row = array(

$sum_row = array(
    "person"=>"Sum All",

$data = $this->dataStore("storeName")->data(); // <-- get data from store
array_push($data,$static_row); // <-- Adding a static row
array_push($data,$sum_row); // <-- Adding a sum row
$this->dataStore("storeName")->data($data); //<--Push back data to store
arthur commented on May 18, 2018

Ok thanks. The Sum All appear but the value is at 0

KoolReport commented on May 18, 2018

That's strange. I've tested and seems the sum() is working well. Is your calculated sale column purely number?

arthur commented on May 19, 2018

Yes It is. here is the full code ::

 function setup()

->pipe(new Map(array(
      '{value}' => function($row, $metaData) {
        if ( trim($row['Date']) != 'TOTAL')
          return array($row);

->pipe(new Group(array(
->pipe(new Sort(array(
            "Date"=>function($m1, $m2) {
                $map = array(
                    'JANVIER' => 1,
                    'FÉVRIER' => 2,
                    'MARS' => 3,
                    'AVRIL' => 4,
                    'MAI' => 5,
                    'JUIN' => 6,
                    'JUILLET' => 7,
                    'AOÛT' => 8,
                    'SEPTEMBRE' => 9,
                    'OCTOBRE' => 10,
                    'NOVEMBRE' => 11,
                    'DECEMBRE' => 12
                return $map[$m1] > $map[$m2];


$filter_args = array("or");
foreach($this->params["thedate"] as $date)

$extra_row = array(

$sum_row = array(

$data = $this->dataStore("PO_marge")->data(); // <-- get data from store
array_push($data,$extra_row); // <-- Adding a total row
$this->dataStore("PO_marge")->data($data); //<--Push back data to store


 ->pipe(new Filter(array(

     ->pipe(new CalculatedColumn(array(
                        return  ( $data["Marge_FAS_Déclarée"] + 12 * $data["MARGE_DELTA_REC"] ); 

 ->pipe(new Group(array(

->pipe(new Sort(array(

KoolReport commented on May 19, 2018

Oh I see the problem now. The code that I told you to add should be in the view, not in the setup. It should be like this.

$static_row = array(

$sum_row = array(
    "person"=>"Sum All",

$data = $this->dataStore("storeName")->data(); // <-- get data from store
array_push($data,$static_row); // <-- Adding a static row
array_push($data,$sum_row); // <-- Adding a sum row
$this->dataStore("storeName")->data($data); //<--Push back data to store


To use the sum(), we need all data available. In the setup phase, there is no data in the store, that's why you will get 0 of sum.

arthur commented on May 21, 2018

Perfect, thanks ! And how could I apply a different color for those 2 bars ?

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