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DataSource from a query on a temporary table #2928

Closed GHSix opened this topic on on Jan 4, 2023 - 13 comments

GHSix commented on Jan 4, 2023

I'm trying to create an in memory temp table so I can query on it, but can't find how to accomplish that within Dashboard.

Query trait:

function queryAvb($p = null) {

        accept_tmp (INDEX(dt, doc))
        AS (
            SELECT ...
    ':dtLimitInt' => $db['dtLimit'][0],
    ':dtLimitFrmt' => $db['dtLimit'][2],

return \AutoMaker::rawSQL('
    SELECT * FROM accept_tmp

If I use two separate rawSQL as this, the table accept_tmp will not exist in the second rawSQL because it is not the same MySQL session.

If I try to use CREATE ...; SELECT *; in the same rawSQL it will say I have a error in my query, probably because I can't have two queries inside a prepared statement or something similar.

So, how can I create a temporary table and use it within a dashboard dataSource?

Sebastian Morales commented on Jan 5, 2023

Pls add method run() after your query and see if it works:

        accept_tmp (INDEX(dt, doc))
        AS (
            SELECT ...
    ':dtLimitInt' => $db['dtLimit'][0],
    ':dtLimitFrmt' => $db['dtLimit'][2],
GHSix commented on Jan 5, 2023

Method run() did not work.

With run()

Query Error >> ["42000",1064,"You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MariaDB server version for the right syntax to use near 'CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE

Without run()

Query Error >> ["42S02",1146,"Table 'accept_tmp' doesn't exist"] >> SELECT *
Sebastian Morales commented on Jan 6, 2023

I'm not sure if rawSQL() method can be used together with params() one. If possible pls consider replacing the parameters in your raw create query with real values directly and make sure it runs correctly in your database admin interface.

GHSix commented on Jan 6, 2023

Hi. Yes, params works with rawSQL since last Dashboard version. But I tried to take it out anyways and the result was the same, with and without run().

GHSix commented on Jan 6, 2023

So, maybe a better tittle question could be:

How to make multiple queries in the same MySQL session within Dashboard DataSource?

I'm really stuck with this one because I was unable to find a way to resolve my query need without a temporary table.

cfsinc commented on Jan 8, 2023

i cant help with the dashboard but here is one of my very detailed temporary tables I had no choice to create because of the logic needed, if creating one can help you. Its an example in php of multiple Joins and adding additional selects and Where statements depending on the logic. I was able to get around temp tables for much of my needs for koolreports but sometimes you have no choice. I had to also do it to insert multiple new rows based on other areas of my database so in a way I had to create a dozen temp tables all in one then send that temp table to koolreports. Then just drop it when done. Hope it helps you some. you are not going to be able to get around creating temp tables at some point depending on how much data and logic is involved. This example covers just about everything anyone could run into in creating a temp table with multi logic paths. creating a temp table in php is so easy and pulling from in with cool reports is so easy if you are hung up doing it in KR do it php. If you have questions about temp tables i could most likely answer if its straight PHP but thats an easier path than where you are going. Just trying to help if i can.

 //create temp table to hold Loan_id, customer_id all active customers
            @db_exec('DROP TABLE IF EXISTS ' . temp_table_name);
            $sql = 'CREATE TABLE ' . temp_table_name . ' (
				loan_id INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
			        contactlog_id INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
				promise_contactlog_id INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
				loan_account_number INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
                                loan_number SMALLINT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
		                full_account_number VARCHAR(10) NOT NULL DEFAULT "",
				customer_id INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
				customer_last_name VARCHAR(20) NOT NULL DEFAULT "",
				customer_first_name VARCHAR(10) NOT NULL DEFAULT "",
				loan_delinquent_status INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
                                loan_date DATE NOT NULL,
		                loan_balance_amount DECIMAL(11,4) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
                                loan_past_due_amount DECIMAL(9,4) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
                                loan_credit_limit_available_amount DECIMAL(9,4) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
                                last_payment_date DATETIME NOT NULL,
                                last_promise_date DATETIME NOT NULL,
                                last_contact_date DATETIME NOT NULL,
                                last_contact_code VARCHAR(10) NOT NULL DEFAULT "",
                                last_contact_promise DATETIME NOT NULL,
                                previous_contact_date DATETIME NOT NULL,
                                previous_contact_code VARCHAR(10) NOT NULL DEFAULT "",
                                previous_contact_promise DATETIME NOT NULL,
                                full_phone VARCHAR(16) NOT NULL DEFAULT "",
                                renew_calc VARCHAR(20) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
				PRIMARY KEY (temp_id),
			  	INDEX (loan_id),
			  	INDEX (customer_id),
			  	INDEX (loan_delinquent_status),
				INDEX (customer_last_name, customer_first_name),
		                INDEX (full_account_number)
			   	) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci';
            $selects = array();
            $selects[] = 't1.loan_id';
            $sql = 'INSERT INTO ' .temp_table_name . '
		FROM '.$db_loan_table_name_del_rpt.' t1
		WHERE t1.loan_file_type= '.LOAN_FILE_OPEN.'
                AND t1.loan_account_number > 0
                AND t2.loan2cust_primary > 0';
            $joins = array();
            $joins[] = 'LEFT JOIN loan2custs t2 ON t1.loan_id = t2.loan2cust_loan_id';
            $joins[] = 'LEFT JOIN customers t3 ON t2.loan2cust_customer_id = t3.customer_id';

            $selects[] = '0';
            // get promise contact log id, may not always be the latest contact
            $joins[] = 'LEFT JOIN contactlogs cp ON cp.contactlog_loan_id=t1.loan_id AND 
            cp.contactlog_promise_date > "1"';
            $selects[] = 'MAX(cp.contactlog_id) promise_contactlog_id';
            if (count($delinquency_files)) {	// restrict to certain customer files?
                // this method does not rely on loan file assignment
                $sql .= ' AND SUBSTR(t3.customer_last_name,1,1) IN ('.$alpha_files_csv.')';
            if (count($loan_type_files)) {	// restrict to certain loan types
                $sql .= ' AND t1.loan_class IN ("'.implode('","', $loan_type_files).'")';
            if ($search_age == LOAN_AGE_PAST_DUE) {
                $sql .= ' AND t1.loan_delinquent_status > ' . LOAN_AGE_CURRENT;
            } elseif (($search_age == LOAN_AGE_5 && $aging_method == LOAN_AGING_BEST_RECENCY) ||
                ($search_age == LOAN_AGE_4 && $aging_method != LOAN_AGING_BEST_RECENCY)) {
                // include 4+ monthers (5+)
                $sql .= ' AND t1.loan_delinquent_status >= '. $search_age;
            } elseif ($search_age != LOAN_AGE_ALL) {
                $sql .= ' AND t1.loan_delinquent_status IN ('.$search_age.')';
                if ($days_pastdue_min > -1) {
                    $sql .= ' AND t1.loan_days_past_due >= '.$days_pastdue_min;
                if ($days_pastdue_max > -1) {
                    $sql .= ' AND t1.loan_days_past_due <= '.$days_pastdue_max;
            if (intval($loan_amount_min * 100) > 0) {
                $sql .= ' AND t1.loan_amount >= '. (intval($loan_amount_min * 100)/100.00);
            if (intval($loan_amount_max * 100) > 0) {
                $sql .= ' AND t1.loan_amount <= '. (intval($loan_amount_max * 100)/100.00);
            if (intval($loan_number_min) > 0) {
                $sql .= ' AND t1.loan_number >= '. intval($loan_number_min);
            if (intval($loan_number_max) > 0) {
                $sql .= ' AND t1.loan_number <= '. intval($loan_number_max);
            //$sql .= ' AND t1.loan_account_number=7554'; // debug
            $sql .= ' GROUP BY t1.loan_id ORDER BY t3.customer_last_name, t3.customer_first_name';
            $sql = sprintf($sql, implode($selects, ','), implode($joins, ' '));

            $sql = 'SELECT t.* FROM ' . temp_table_name . ' t';
            $results = db_exec($sql);

// all you other setup code


   // drop the table after protected function setup has completed function
    protected function OnRunEnd() {
        @db_exec('DROP TABLE ' . temp_table_name);
GHSix commented on Jan 10, 2023

Thank you for sharing this.

But since I'm not a fan of spaghetti code (this is what will happen and when I start mixing Dahboard code/style/classes with external code), I really would like a response from KoolPHP support team saying it's not possible to advance with this in the Dashboard so I can look forward for alternatives.

KoolReport commented on Jan 10, 2023

Hi GHSix,

Is it possible to use the nested query, something like:

    SELECT something FROM (SELECT FROM atable )
GHSix commented on Jan 11, 2023


In my examples in the OP post, I already used a, kind of, nested query in the CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE AS (). My problem is that I can't see how to do a CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE and SELECT from it in the same session because, to select from it, I will need to separete the queries with a ";" and, at this point, rawSQL will not work anymore as expected from a prepared statement and, to call two distinct rawSQL will not run in the same session, thus the temp table get droped betwwen sessions.

Please, @KoolReport , take a look at the OP post and tell us if it is possible to do multiple Queries in the same MySQL session within KoorlReport.

KoolReport commented on Jan 12, 2023

Let try to do this:

Inside the AutoMaker, you add another getConnection():

class AutoMaker extends MySQL
    protected function connection()
        return [

     * Add this function to get connection public
     * @return array 
    public function getConnection()
        return $this->connection();

Now inside your source function, you do this:

function queryAvb($p = null)
    $source = new \koolreport\datasources\PdoDataSource((new AutoMaker)->getConnection());
            accept_tmp (INDEX(dt, doc))
            AS (
                SELECT ...
        ':dtLimitInt' => $db['dtLimit'][0],
        ':dtLimitFrmt' => $db['dtLimit'][2],

    return \AutoMaker::rawSQL('
    SELECT * FROM accept_tmp

Let see if it works.


Damien Monk commented on Jan 12, 2023

I used to call code spaghetti when I didn’t know how to program. Don’t miss those days!

Sebastian Morales commented on Jan 12, 2023

Let's hope the last reply and solution from Steve (@KoolReport) works for OP.

On another side note, I think every type of code style has its place and serves its purpose. Cheers,

GHSix commented on Jan 13, 2023

It did work like a charm.

Now I can run any number of statments in the same DB session.

Just changed

((new AutoMaker)->


((new \AutoMaker)->

Thank you.

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