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When using Datatables excel button, the line breaks are missing in the excel file. #3099

Closed Matt Jacobson opened this topic on on Jul 19, 2023 - 2 comments

Matt Jacobson commented on Jul 19, 2023

I have a table created with Datatables and some of the cells have <br> tags in the to force a line break at the correct position. When I click on the button to export to an Excel file, it concatenates all the lines in that cell. The code I'm using is below. I've also tried using 'extend'=>'excelHtml5', but that didn't work.

Any advice would be great!

	"plugins" => ["Buttons", "FixedHeader", "Responsive", "Scroller"],
		"table"=>"table table-striped table-bordered",
		"dom" => 'B lfrtip',
		"stateSave" => true,
		"pageLength" => 25,
		"lengthMenu" => [ [10, 25, 50, -1], [10, 25, 50, "All"] ],
		"buttons" => [
				'text'=>'<i class="fas fa-file-excel"></i> Excel',
				'className'=>'btn btn-sm btn-primary'
				'text'=>'<i class="fas fa-file-pdf"></i> PDF',
				'className'=>'btn btn-sm btn-success'
				'text'=>'<i class="fal fa-eye"></i> Column Visibility',
				'titleAttr'=>'Column visibility',
				'className'=>'btn btn-sm btn-primary'
	"searchOnEnter" => true,
	"searchMode" => "or",

David Winterburn commented on Jul 27, 2023

Instead of using "<br>" pls try using "\r\n" to see if it created line break in excel. Another method is using the following button configuration:

    "buttons" => [
                'extend' => 'excelHtml5',
                'exportOptions' => [
                    'format' => [
                        'body' => 'function(data, column, row) {
                            if (typeof data === "string" || data instanceof String) {
                                data = data.replace(/<br\\s*\\/?>/ig, "\\r\\n");
                            return data;

Let us know if these work for you or not.

Matt Jacobson commented on Jul 27, 2023

Awesome! Using exportOptions worked perfectly. Thank you again for your wonderful support!

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