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KoolReports PDF missing chart #3244

Open Michael Boccardi opened this topic on on Feb 13 - 1 comments

Michael Boccardi commented on Feb 13

We have a web application that uses KoolReport for generating reports in browser, and also export to PDF. We are using Chromeheadlessio to generate the PDF reports.

Rercently, we have had some users report that the PDFs do not contain the charts and graphs that are displayed correctly in the browser.

We have taken steps to upgrade to the latest release of KoolReport pro and continue to periodically see this behavior. We have also seen some situations where the Chromeheadlessio returns a timeout error.

KoolReport commented on Feb 15

Dear Michael,

We are really sorry for the incident, the issue happens due to the number of requests at same time cause congestion to server. We have raise the size of server 4 times during last year but still the issue happens sometime. If you are seriously working on production application, I suggest that you try the private server. We can help you to setup your-own server with size of your choice. This will help to avoid crowded time on public server. We have implemented this solution for about 50+ customers, all is working great. We are very confident with the service.

If you are interest in this solution, please contact us at support@koolreport.com.

Thank you very much.

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