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Changing cell values according to other column #3271

Open Adolfo Alonso opened this topic on on Mar 20 - 3 comments

Adolfo Alonso commented on Mar 20

Hello, I have the following report exported in PDF:

What I need is that when the KMS column is 0, then all the following values in red should be either 0 or 00:00:00

How can I achieve this? As always thanks.

Sebastian Morales commented on Mar 21

Supposed you use the core Table widget, there's a "formatValue" property of columns that allows users to change a column value based on the current data row like this:

                'formatValue'=>function($value, $row, $cKey)
                    //return a custom value based on the current $row and column name $cKey
                    return $customValue;
Adolfo Alonso commented on Mar 21

By core Table Widget do you mean DataGrid DataTable?

Sebastian Morales commented on Mar 22

By core Table I meant \koolreport\widgets\koolphp\Table:


\koolreport\datagrid\DataTables also has column formatValue option:


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