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Display pictures in the table/ Datatables #519

Closed Daniel Amamoo-Otchere opened this topic on on Nov 14, 2018 - 4 comments

Daniel Amamoo-Otchere commented on Nov 14, 2018

Hello Kool Team, May I know if you have an implementation of displaying a url as a picture in the table or Datatables?.

So far I searched and found none in the posts

KoolReport commented on Nov 14, 2018

You use the "formatValue" to return any text/html you want:

Documentation: Table formatValue

Best regards,

Daniel Amamoo-Otchere commented on Nov 15, 2018

Hello, Is this the correct implementation?. I tried this but it did not work.

		'formatValue'=>'<img src="c:\GBALogo.phg" height=20 width=20>'
Daniel Amamoo-Otchere commented on Nov 16, 2018

Hello, Still following up on the issue. Is my approach the correct way to display a picture?

KoolReport commented on Nov 16, 2018

The picture could not display if you put the real path ( server path) like above. It should be the url: something like this:

        "formatValue"=>"<img src='http://www.myhost/images/@value' />"

So you have "image" column contain image name such as "picture.png", on each rows, the value will be fill into the @value so you will have full image src. It result in displaying the image inside table cell.

Hope my explanation is good.

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