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Migrating reports #585

Open Antonio Clerton Santana de Araujo opened this topic on on Jan 8, 2019 - 9 comments

Antonio Clerton Santana de Araujo commented on Jan 8, 2019

I have been using the FASTREPORT component with Delphi since 2002. I am currently porting to PHP a legacy system written in Delphi. I looked for a tool to convert these same reports written in Delphi. I bought a KOOLREPORT PRO license to solve this problem. Basically, I need to generate reports according to the layout that follows this message. Where can I get a report model drawing with Koolreport that has characteristics similar to the attached report figure?

Att. Clerton

KoolReport commented on Jan 8, 2019

Hi Antonio,

Above report can be created with just Table widget of KoolReport. The most important things is that you write the SQL to load data.

Our Table widget support group header, aggregated footer like above. Please have look at our table example:

Group header: https://www.koolreport.com/examples/reports/koolphp_table/header/

Footer: https://www.koolreport.com/examples/reports/koolphp_table/footer/

Let me know if you need further assistance.

Antonio Clerton Santana de Araujo commented on Jan 11, 2019

There are still some questions: 1-Values are exiting right justified, but are not putting the thousand separator correctly. In Brazil, the thousand separator is "." and the decimal separator is ",". How should it be done?

KoolReport commented on Jan 12, 2019

You do like this:

Antonio Clerton Santana de Araujo commented on Jan 12, 2019

I did as recommended, but unfortunately it did not work. Please see the following code. What could be wrong?

        "decimals" => 2,
        "footerText"=>"<b>total:</b> @value"

) ) );



KoolReport commented on Jan 12, 2019

So is there any error showing? Or the column just does not format the number as you want

Antonio Clerton Santana de Araujo commented on Jan 12, 2019

Does not return any error message. It only renders the column without respecting the thousand separators and the decimal separator ","

KoolReport commented on Jan 12, 2019

Sorry, I was referred to the old property, the new one is:

Antonio Clerton Santana de Araujo commented on Jan 12, 2019

Worked perfectly. Thank you! However, I still have other questions. I look forward to your support.

KoolReport commented on Jan 12, 2019

Sure, make a new topic for new question.

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