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Integrating KoolReport with EspoCRM #589

Open OMAR GONSENHEIM opened this topic on on Jan 13, 2019 - 3 comments

OMAR GONSENHEIM commented on Jan 13, 2019

Help needed please.

I'd like to integrate KoolReport with my EspoCRM installation.

EspoCRM is a Backbone.js based single page application with a PHP Slim framework backend

My requirements would be: 1) Only EspoCRM registered users can run reports 2) Display the reports within the EspoCRM UI

Thanks in advance

KoolReport commented on Jan 14, 2019


Basically KoolReport will work in any environment as long as the "koolreport/autoload.php" is loaded. We have not experienced the EspoCRM before so it is hard for us to give a detail instruction. So our general advice is:

  1. Download or install koolreport through composer
  2. Make a seperate folder to hold reports
  3. Make report as you normally do. A report containing a report controller and a view. In the controller of report, you require_once the "koolreport/autoload.php".
  4. When you need to display a report, require or include the report controller, create object then run and render it.

Thank you very much!

Let me know if you need any further assitance.


OMAR GONSENHEIM commented on Jan 14, 2019

Thank you so much.

I will try and report back in case other participants might have a similar question.

KoolReport commented on Jan 15, 2019

Thank you so much, please share!

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