I want make a header like this :

i try with a column for print the mysql data, but if i want to make header like the pic, i need use header group to print the mysql data, can i print mysql data on header code? thanks

this my view code

    use \koolreport\instant\Widget;
    use \koolreport\widgets\koolphp\Table;
        <h3>List all Elevator</h3>
        // Table::create(array(
        //     "dataStore"=>$this->dataStore("elevator"),
        //     "class"=>array(
        //         "table"=>"table table-hover"
        //     )
        // ));
                "DRAWING NO"=>array(
                    "label"=>"DRAWING NO",
                "LINE NO"=>array(
                    "label"=>"LINE NO",
                "JOINT NO"=>array(
                    "label"=>"JOINT NO",
                "table"=>"table-bordered table-striped table-hover"

and this the result