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Old fashioned Timeline report #695

Open Andrew Borell opened this topic on on Feb 19, 2019 - 1 comments

Andrew Borell commented on Feb 19, 2019

I know there is a timeline report via google but has anyone considered developing a traditional timeline, where a single line exists, or I suppose it could be broke out by units of time into separate rows or columns depending on if you are viewing it horizontally or vertically. You have a start time, stop time, and events in between the two points where a line sticks up off the edge of the time line leading to the event text?

This is a crude drawing to get the idea.

Naturally I would think the option for major and minor tickmarks would exist as properties. Group by time units to span multiple lines perhaps.

KoolReport commented on Feb 20, 2019

Thank you very much for your suggestion We will save this for ideas of improvement.

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