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MSSQL Stored Procedure #704

Open Andrew Borell opened this topic on on Feb 23, 2019 - 5 comments

Andrew Borell commented on Feb 23, 2019

I cannot get an mssql stored procedure to work. Tried run()->render() and run()->debug() to see if I could even get a hint as to why no data is returning. Execution time is less than a second. The only thing about this stored proc that is a little crazy is it should return 51 columns, but I cannot see that being a problem.

I also tried to configure as PDO, but couldnt get pdo to work with sqlsrv:

Yes, I have the PDO drivers installed and they work in one of my own database classes.

	require_once ('c:\wamp\www\_priv\libs\koolreport\autoload.php');
	class ReportAr extends \koolreport\KoolReport {
		function settings()
				return array(
					"path"=> "c:\wamp\www\dbo\api\assets",
						'host' => '',
						'username' => 'myUser123',
						'password' => 'MyPa$s',
						'dbname' => '007 Test Database',
						'class' => "\koolreport\datasources\SQLSRVDataSource" 

		function setup()
				"EXEC dbo.getArData	@pdate1 = '2018-01-01',	@pdate2 = '2019-01-01' " )
Andrew Borell commented on Feb 23, 2019

Console logs this error, which was not particularly helpful to me in a cursory review because it seems to only indicate that an asset is missing.

Uncaught ReferenceError: KoolReport is not defined
    at <anonymous>:2:1
    at DOMEval (jquery-3.3.1.js:111)
    at domManip (jquery-3.3.1.js:5762)
    at jQuery.fn.init.append (jquery-3.3.1.js:5898)
    at jQuery.fn.init.<anonymous> (jquery-3.3.1.js:5992)
    at access (jquery-3.3.1.js:3939)
    at jQuery.fn.init.html (jquery-3.3.1.js:5959)
    at setContent ((index):323)
    at Object.success ((index):299)
    at fire (jquery-3.3.1.js:3268)

That error references this:

    ktable5c719ec0acb601 = new KoolReport.koolphp.table('ktable5c719ec0acb601',{"cKeys":[],"removeDuplicate":[],"paging":null});

This is only happening when I execute a stored procedure. Selects are working as expected.

Andrew Borell commented on Feb 23, 2019

changed exec to implicit parameters and I saw this error:

Cannot read property 'aDataSort' of undefined

I know it must be returning some data because if I configure the date range where I expect no results, I get this error:

TypeError: Cannot read property 'parentNode' of null
Andrew Borell commented on Feb 23, 2019

I now have PDO working but encounter the same problem. Profiled MSSQL server. I can see the query hitting the database and returning the data.

declare @p1 int
set @p1=NULL
exec sp_prepexec @p1 output,N'@P1 nvarchar(10),@P2 nvarchar(10)',N'EXEC getArData @P1, @P2 ',N'2019-01-01',N'2019-01-05'
select @p1

When I var_dump() the datastore I see no rows.

  protected 'rows' => 
    array (size=0)

I execute the same profiled code in SSMS where I plainly see the result set. So why would the data be missing in the datastore? Maybe too many columns? Maybe some character in the data? Spaces in a few column names that I should alias?

Andrew Borell commented on Feb 24, 2019

Tested a few things out and solved the problem. I hope this saves someone else a ton of time.

I dont think any rational person under most circumstances would write a stored procedure without a requirement to execute more than 1 query in the procedure. When you execute more than 1 statement there is more than 1 count performed on the rows. This is a problem; One that is easily corrected with SET NOCOUNT ON . I would also encourage using SET ANSI_WARNINGS ON at that rate, and SET ARITHABORT ON for performance reasons because SSMS enables these by default and you might experience a sharp performance decline without explicitly setting these options and spend a day trying to figure that one out too.


USE [my_ar_database]
CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[getArData] 

	@pdate1 char(10),
	@pdate2 char(10)
		select * into #tmpArData from [some_numbers_table] x where CAST(x.my_date as DATE) >= CAST(@pdate1 as DATE) and CAST(x.my_date as DATE) < CAST(@pdate2 as DATE);
		select * from #tmpArData y where CAST(isnull(y.balance,0) as DECIMAL(19,2)) > CAST(0 as DECIMAL(19,2)) ;

The most important part of this post as it relates to the original issue is SET NOCOUNT ON. If you have more than 1 statement in your mssql stored procedure and do not explicitly use this option in your procedure, you will get no data back with PDO. If you use ODBC I dont think this would be a problem, but I am not gonna spend any time testing something I dont intend to use.

KoolReport commented on Feb 24, 2019

Oh great! Thank you very much, Andrew! This will help anyone who want to use stored procedures.

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