I have followed the example but I am still getting a blank report. I also tried with the cloud service but nothing . I didn't get any error, but browser kept loading forever and nothing happened. So, I've a MyReport.php connected to Laravel through use \koolreport\laravel\Friendship; I also have MyReport.view.php and MyReportPdf.view.php as per your example. In my controller, I have tried:
$report = new MyReport;
))->toBrowser("myfile.pdf", true);
blank result I also tried:
->chromeHeadlessio("hidden - but in my code I have it here.")
))->toBrowser("myfilecloud.pdf", true);
Note: Both scenarios I don't have a return from my controller. If I display in the browser only, I can see the report no problem. $report = new MyReport;
return view("report",["report"=>$report]);
The report view contains: <?php $report->render(); ?>
Is there anything else I am missing ? thanks