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'hideTotalRow' => true, 'hideTotalColumn' => true, 'hideSubtotalRow' => true, 'hideSubtotalColumn' => true, NOt run #835

Open victor opened this topic on on Apr 26, 2019 - 1 comments

victor commented on Apr 26, 2019

HI ,

 'hideTotalRow' => true,
'hideTotalColumn' => true,
'hideSubtotalRow' => true,
'hideSubtotalColumn' => true,

Not run in a pivot table. I have the last version.

Example PivotTable::create(array(

    $this->columna_get." - sum",
	$this->columna_get2." - sum"
  'headerMap' => array(
        $this->columna_get.' - sum' => $this->columna_texto,
        $this->columna_get2.' - sum' => $this->columna_texto2,
	'rowSort' => array( 'tipo_comision' => 'desc'),
	'columnSort' => array( 'anyo' => 'desc'),
	'totalName' => 'Margen',
	'rowCollapseLevels' => array(1),
    'columnCollapseLevels' => array(0),
	'width' => '100%',
     'hideTotalRow' => true,
	'hideTotalColumn' => true,
	'hideSubtotalRow' => true,
	'hideSubtotalColumn' => true,
     'showDataHeaders' => true,
David Winterburn commented on Apr 27, 2019

Hi Victor,

To hide the grand total row and column of PivotTable, please add the following CSS rule to your page:

    .pivot-data-header-grand-total  {
        display: none !important;

We will add the hideGrandTotalRow and hideGrandTotalColumn to later version of PivotTable. Thanks!

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