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Selecting rows from a datastore #859

Open Rooze McKelvey opened this topic on on May 8, 2019 - 1 comments

Rooze McKelvey commented on May 8, 2019

The scenario: We are creating a project update report which shows all tasks and tickets related to a project. We want to be able to select on a row by row basis which tasks/tickets/etc we show to the client.

So an admin would search for a project, see the complete search results, preferably with each row "checked" to be included on the client report. The admin would then uncheck anything they wanted to hide from the client report and once they were ready, hit the "Client report" button which would take them to another report layout, displaying only the selected rows.

Since we aren't wanting to modify the originating datasource (mysql databases), I'm wondering if there's a way to add record level variables to the Koolreport datastore? And to have them also be session specific since we may end up with multiple admins running reports at the same time eventually.

Any pointers appreciated.

Thanks, Rooze

David Winterburn commented on May 9, 2019

Hi Rooze,

Not sure if it's a suitable solution for you but I would submit the selected row IDs after an admin selects rows. Then store the submitted row IDs to session ($_SESSION or session variable depending on your framework). Finally I would use those row IDs in session to filter from full data to only show/hide selected rows.

Let us know if you need any further information. Thanks!

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