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Build Your Own Business Intelligence Cockpit

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If you are looking for building a custom business intelligence system, you are in right place. KoolReport can help you to construct your own system which is highly customized.

We understand that each business has its own unique characteristic and way to organize internal data. Finding a good fit ready-to-use business intelligence system is challenging because those systems can lack of functionalities that you need to your organization but contains abundant of not-needed things. As a result, there is a lot of resources to waste but still the business requirements is not met.

KoolReport takes a different way in which we provide you a framework, ready-to-use charts and graphs, many data processes so you can start playing a lego game with your data. Organizing processes to turn your data into good information then visualize them with the best charts. KoolReport is a powerful and highly customized solution to create your data report. As the final result, you will get exactly a business intelligence system which fits perfectly your need and there is no waste in resources for unwanted functionalities.

Admittedly, you may need to trade off the comfort of using GUI as many reporting system offering but it’s worth because you have exactly what you need. At the end, result is the most important.

Download KoolReport Now and start building your own business intelligence cockpit. The framework is totally free and released under MIT license.

If you are looking for more advanced solution, please have a look at our KoolReport Pro version. With a little money for license, you will save a great time with powerful tool in your hand: Pivot Tables, DrillDown report, PDF exporting and so on.

<3 koolreport team

#97 opened on Aug 29, 2017 by Robert with last post of KoolReport
#4 opened on Apr 27, 2017 by Johny with last post of Johny