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Thank you for the great library #97

Open Robert opened this topic on on Aug 29, 2017 - 1 comments

Robert commented on Aug 29, 2017

Dear KoolReport team,

My name is Robert Hunter and I am working for Great River Energy.

I have been using KoolReport for a while and I must say that the library is very easy to learn and get started. I have many data scattering from MySQL, Oracle to CSV and Excel file. KoolReport does save me a lot of time to unite those sources into a report. I have seen that KoolReport team has done a good job to bring this library into life and evolve it days by days. Thank you for that.

I have put $50 to your tip box.

All the best!

KoolReport commented on Aug 30, 2017

Oh thank you so much for your good comment and your generosity. We appreciate very much!

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