April 7, 2023
We are thrilled to announce a major release of KoolReport products with significant improvements. Upgrade is highly recommended.

Compatibility with PHP 8.2
Dynamic properties have been deprecated in PHP 8.2 causing issues for KoolReport and its packages. We have completely solved the issues with dynamic properties in this release, enabling you to upgrade to the latest PHP confidently.
KoolReport Core 6.1.0
Improvements have been made to Table, Google Chart and the ability to store the view folder in a separate folder. The view file of a report no longer needs to be in the same folder as the report’s class file.
Dashboard Framework
Exporting capabilities have been greatly enhanced with the addition of a general engine()
method. This method enables you to specify a list of exporting engines that you need and choose which engine to use during the exporting process. Excel exporting has also been improved, allowing developers to customize the view of the excel file instead of using the default view from the previous version.
Other packages
- Datagrid 7.8.0: Ability to load custom css file
- Excel 10.6.0: Excellent improvement for MacOS Number compatibility and ability to rearrange widgets automatically in Excel files
- Export 5.3.0: Improve the flexibility of export view by adding viewMap property.
- VisualQuery 2.1.0: Fix the grouping when multiple fields are used
- Amazing 2.1.4: Fix FormDropDown and DonutChart in Dashboard
- AppStack 1.1.5: Fix FormDropDown and DonutChart
- Bootstrap4 1.5.1: Upgrade to 4.5
- ChartJS 3.2.1: Minor fix
- ChartTable 1.3.1: Minor fix
- Cleandata 1.6.1 :Minor fix
- CloudExport 4.2.0: Upgrade php client library
- Cube 3.5.1: Minor fix
- Inputs 6.5.1: Minor fix
- MorrisChart 3.0.1: Minor fix
We hope that you enjoy the new releases.
<3 koolreport team
February 25, 2023
You might wondering What are the differences between Dashboard and Admin Panel? What should you choose for your project?

As businesses grow, so does the amount of data they generate. It becomes increasingly important to collect, organize and analyze this data to make informed decisions. This is where dashboards and admin panels come in.
Both dashboards and admin panels are tools used to manage and analyze data, but they serve different purposes. An admin panel is typically used by an organization's internal team to manage the backend of a website or application. It provides access to the data and tools necessary to manage the functionality and content of the site.
On the other hand, a dashboard is a user interface that provides an overview of important metrics and key performance indicators (KPIs) for a business. It is designed to help stakeholders make quick, informed decisions based on real-time data.
While these two tools may seem similar, they serve distinct purposes. An admin panel is focused on managing and updating a website or application, while a dashboard is focused on presenting data and insights.
However, what if you could have a tool that combines both the functionality of an admin panel and a dashboard? That's where the Dashboard Framework of KoolReport comes in.
Built on top of the powerful KoolReport Pro, the Dashboard Framework is a set of ready-made features designed to make it easy for developers to create online dashboard applications or admin panels for websites. With just a few lines of code, developers can create a modern, single-page dashboard that includes built-in authentication, authorization, and support for multiple databases and data sources, including CSV and Excel files.
In addition, the Dashboard Framework includes support for multi-languages and multi-themes, making it easy to create custom dashboards that fit your brand and language preferences. And with widget lazy loading support, developers can ensure that the dashboard is fast and responsive, even when working with large datasets.
The Dashboard Framework is also flexible and can work within other popular PHP frameworks, including Laravel, CodeIgniter, Yii2, and Symfony. This makes it easy to integrate the Dashboard Framework into your existing workflow and start building great dashboard systems for your clients or your own business.
View Dashboard Framework Demo
In conclusion, while dashboards and admin panels serve distinct purposes, the Dashboard Framework of KoolReport makes it easy to create a tool that covers both functionalities. With its powerful features and flexible integration options, the Dashboard Framework is a valuable tool for any developer looking to build a modern, data-driven application.
January 13, 2021
It should be fun and easy to build. In KooPHP inc, we always keep in mind one thing "Developer must be happy!" because only when happy, he can build the whole world.

It sounds a bit exaggerated but it is true that if we want to build something bigger, we need to free our mind from hassle and focus strongly on main things.
Building a dashboard is not an exception. While what we should focus on is the content of dashboard such as "how data is available and organized?" "what chart types should be used to maximize user's understanding of data?", those tedious tasks like creating user login form, building menus, authorization, CSS styling keep eroding our energy. Sadly, those tedious tasks are essential and we can not escape from.
Understanding the pain, we built a solution called Dashboard Framework. The framework handles for you all those hassle tasks and let you concentrate on what really matter. Some of its features are:
- Built-in authentication
- Allow authorization from application to data field
- Work with MySQL, Postgres, SQL Server, SQLite
- Support data from CSV, Excel files
- Support Data Caching at widget level
- Support multi-languages
- Support Multi-themes
- Beautiful single page application
- Support lazy loading for widgets
- Flexible three levels organized menus
- Work with other frameworks like Laravel, CodeIgniter, Yii2, Symfony
Phew! That's a lot of listings but those are not all. So you see, when you own a framework like this, why hassle can bother you from building great dashboard system for yourself or for your clients. Saving tons of time & efforts, keeping you focus on the importance, making you more productive, helping to serve more clients and bringing you more income eventually. If you feel our words unbelievable, let see its beauty and simplicity from the links below.
To see how beautiful it is, view our demo!
To see how simple it is, view dashboard source-code on Github!
Dashboard Framework will be your shortcut into the world of modern data reporting. With all of its benefits, we hope to have chance to serve you as our customer.
Looking forward to serving you.
<3 KoolReport Team