January 13, 2021
It should be fun and easy to build. In KooPHP inc, we always keep in mind one thing "Developer must be happy!" because only when happy, he can build the whole world.

It sounds a bit exaggerated but it is true that if we want to build something bigger, we need to free our mind from hassle and focus strongly on main things.
Building a dashboard is not an exception. While what we should focus on is the content of dashboard such as "how data is available and organized?" "what chart types should be used to maximize user's understanding of data?", those tedious tasks like creating user login form, building menus, authorization, CSS styling keep eroding our energy. Sadly, those tedious tasks are essential and we can not escape from.
Understanding the pain, we built a solution called Dashboard Framework. The framework handles for you all those hassle tasks and let you concentrate on what really matter. Some of its features are:
- Built-in authentication
- Allow authorization from application to data field
- Work with MySQL, Postgres, SQL Server, SQLite
- Support data from CSV, Excel files
- Support Data Caching at widget level
- Support multi-languages
- Support Multi-themes
- Beautiful single page application
- Support lazy loading for widgets
- Flexible three levels organized menus
- Work with other frameworks like Laravel, CodeIgniter, Yii2, Symfony
Phew! That's a lot of listings but those are not all. So you see, when you own a framework like this, why hassle can bother you from building great dashboard system for yourself or for your clients. Saving tons of time & efforts, keeping you focus on the importance, making you more productive, helping to serve more clients and bringing you more income eventually. If you feel our words unbelievable, let see its beauty and simplicity from the links below.
To see how beautiful it is, view our demo!
To see how simple it is, view dashboard source-code on Github!
Dashboard Framework will be your shortcut into the world of modern data reporting. With all of its benefits, we hope to have chance to serve you as our customer.
Looking forward to serving you.
<3 KoolReport Team
August 20, 2019
Building great data reports has never been easier with KoolReport Pro. Equipped with all commercial packages, KoolReport Pro will power your creativity to make stunning reports and dashboards.

On this occasion, we offer a special discount 20% for both Developer License and Enterprise License. This promotion will last until 31st AUGUST, 2019.
If you have any question regarding our promotion or features of KoolReport Pro, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Looking forward to serving you as our customer.
<3 koolreport team
July 18, 2018
To celebrate the release of new version, we would like to offer 15% DISCOUNT For All KoolReport Pro Licenses. The promotion starts today and will last for a week until 26th July, 2018. Seize the chance!

KoolReport Pro
KoolReport Pro is an advanced solution to make data report or dynamic dashboard in PHP. Building on top of the core, KoolReport Pro is powered by various extended packages that make it features rich, capable of handling almost all reporting tasks such as data processing, data analysis, visualization, exporting and more.
Let Your Data Speak
Data visualization is one of the most important factors to make a successful report. Intuitive charts or graphs will let your data communicate. KoolReport Pro provides you many chart types to choose, from the basic ones like PieChart, BarChart, LineChart to the advanced ones like GeoChart, Histogram, GranttChart and more. Those charts are from the best chart libraries in the world which we can name some such as Google Charts, ChartJS or Morris, all are unified in the same settings so you can switch between them in a flash of second.
Data Processing Power
KoolReport Pro is able to deal with your complex data and ultimately turn them into useful information. You need to summarize data in pivot table? Need calculate statistics or perform regression? All can be done with KoolReport Pro.
Simple, Fast and Extensible
Designed to be simple and easy to use, KoolReport only take you 10 minutes to install the framework and create the first report. It is very fast and able to handle large amount of data. Furthermore with plug-and-play structures, KoolReport is designed with high stress on ability to scale and extend functionality.
Work Seamlessly With Other Frameworks
“If you want to go quickly, go alone. If you want to go far, go together.”
We want KoolReport to go far so we designed it since the beginning to work well with its big framework brothers such as Laravel, CodeIgniter, Symfony and others.
Why Should I Get KoolReport Pro?
Beside all great features of KoolReport Pro, you also get the following:
- Full Source Code for customization
- One(1) year of Priority Support from data and software experts
- One(1) year of Free Upgrade
- One(1) year to get new commercial packages free
- Right to distribute to unlimited clients
- 50% OFF when renewing license
- Fully refund if things go wrong
Thank you very much and if you have any questions, feel free to reach us at support@koolreport.com.
<3 koolreport team