
Overview #

Dashboard is a group of similar information organized in a page. We normally adds Dashboard into Application like following:

use koolreport\dashboard\Application;
class App extends Application
    protected function sidebar()
        return [

Dashboard is also be able to added to Page like this:

use koolreport\dashboard\pages\Main;
class App extends Main
    protected function sidebar()
        return [

Properties #

defaultbooleanfalseWhether dashboard is default
titlestringTitle of dashboard, which will appear in the menu
hiddenbooleanfalseWhether the dashboard is hidden, could not access from menu
iconstringThe icon of dashboard
badgestring/arrayAdd badge to menu
updateEffectstring"fade"Visual effect when dashboard is updated, whether "fade" or "none"
onClientLoadingstringnullSet a javascript to be run before dashboard is loaded
onClientLoadedstringnullSet a javascript to be run after dashboard is loaded

Note: Those above properties follows this code rules.

You can set those properties for dashboard from Application

class App extends Application
    protected function sidebar()
        return [
                    ->icon("fa fa-home")
                    ->badge("NEW") // Or full version ->badge(["NEW","danger"])

or inside Dashboard class

use \koolreport\dashboard\Dashboard;

class HomeBoard extends Dashboard
    protected function onInit()
            ->icon("fa fa-home")

Methods #

widget($name)WidgetReturn widget inside dashboard by its widget's name
hasWidget($name)booleanReturn true if dashboard has widget with specified name
update()Ask a dashboard to update/refresh
state(array $params)Set state with params
state(function $func)Set state with a function returning array
state(string $key, mixed $value)Set state for $key
state(string $key, function $func)Set state for $key with function return value
state(string $key)Get state with $key
state()Get all state

Traits #

Dashboard has been provided with following traits:

  1. TAppLink: Able to refer to application with app() method
  2. TEnabledPermit: Use enabled() and enabledWhen() to set permission
  3. TParams: Able to get/set parameters with params() method
  4. TExportable: Able to export dashboard to PDF and other formats
  5. TProps: Able to set property
  6. TEvent: Able to register and handle an event
  7. TAction: Able to receive action from client-side and handle within class

Widget listing #

Basic #

Basically, we need to provide list of widgets inside widgets() method of dashboard

use \koolreport\dashboard\Dashboard;

class SaleBoard extends Dashboard
    protected function content()
        return [

Learn more about Widget

Advanced layouts #

With above basic layout above, we would like to show you the basic concept of adding widgets into a dashboard. For better layout of widgets within dashboard, we should look at Container Widgets. The Container Widgets help to organize widgets. There are 3 most-used containers: Row, Panel and Tabs.

Row #

Row layouts sub widgets in a row, one will be put next to another.

use \koolreport\dashboard\Dashboard;
use \koolreport\dashboard\containers\Row;

class SaleBoard extends Dashboard
    protected function content()
        return [

Learn more about Row container.

Panel #

If you would like to create separate section to hold widgets, you may use Panel

use \koolreport\dashboard\Dashboard;
use \koolreport\dashboard\containers\Panel;

class SaleBoard extends Dashboard
    protected function content()
        return [
            ->headerText("Detail Sale Table")

In above example, we created a Panel wrapping around DetailSaleTable. Learn more about Panel container.

Tabs #

You may organize widgets into Tab to save space if you would like:

use \koolreport\dashboard\Dashboard;
use \koolreport\dashboard\containers\Tabs;

class SaleBoard extends Dashboard
    protected function content()
        return [
                SaleChart::create()->title("Sale Chart"),    
            ->addTab("<i class='icon-users'></i> Customer",[

In above example, we will have SaleChart and CustomerTable on 2 tabs. Learn more about Tabs container

Permission #

Since Dashboard use TEnabledPermit trait, it is able to use enabled() and enabledWhen() to set permission based on user and user's request.

enabled #

You may authorize an user to access a dashboard.

class App extends Application
    protected function sidebar()
        return [

The enabled() method can receive anonymous function as well

                $user = $request->user();
                    return true;
                return false;

enabledWhen #

The enabledWhen() method is used when you have Permit class


use \koolreport\dashboard\Permit;

class Permit extends Permit
    protected function beAdmin($request, $sender) 
        return $request->user()->hasRole("admin");

class App extends Application
    protected function permission()
        return Permit::create();

    protected function sidebar()
        return [

Parameters #

It is possible to set parameters for a dashboard

Set parameter for dashboard #


class App extends Application
    protected function sidebar()
        return [
                        "category"=>"Laptop & Tablet"

Load dashboard with parameters #

To load dashboard from client you use Client class

use \koolreport\dashboard\Client;

class ExampleDashboard extends Dashboard
    protected function content() {
        return [
                ->text("Load dashboard with params")

Get parameters #

In order to retrieve parameters inside Dashboard

use \koolreport\dashboard\Dashboard;

class SaleBoard extends Dashboard
    protected function onInit()
        $params = $this->params();
        //Get all parameters, return {"year"=>2020,"category"=>"Laptop & Tablet"}

        //Get a single value within params
        $year = $this->params("year");
        $category = $this->params("category");


Events #

Dashboard emits events during its process and we can catch those events to customize how dashboard behaves.

Learn more about Dashboard's events

Client events #

Dashboard supports following client events

onClientLoadingSet a javascript to be run before Dashboard is loaded
onClientLoadedSet a javascript to be run after dashboard is loaded


use \koolreport\dashboard\Dashboard;

class MyDashboard extends Dashboard
    protected function onCreated()
        ->onClientLoading("alert('About to be loaded')")
        ->onClientLoaded("alert('Dashboard has been loaded')");
use \koolreport\dashboard\Dashboard;

class MyDashboard extends Dashboard
    protected function onCreated()
            return "alert('About to be loaded')";
            return "alert('Dashboard has been loaded')";

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