
Overview #

DataTables is an advanced solution to display data in table format. Beside the basic feature of displaying data, it supports features such as Row Search, Select, Column Reordering, Fixed Columns, Responsive, Row Group, Scrolling.

Get started with DataTables #

It is simple to setup DataTables to display data. Suppose you have had your dataStore and would like to display data in report's view.

First, you need to declare the class at top of the view

use \koolreport\datagrid\DataTables;

Second, you create the DataTables widget


Simple, isn't it? With above minimum settings, DataTables will load data from orders dataStore and display all data.

Properties #

namestringOptional. You can set the name for your data table if you want to refer to the table later on at client-side. If you don't set we will set random name for table
columnsarrayOptional. List all the columns you want to display in data table together with its settings
dataSourceDataStore, Array, functionOptional. Specify a dataStore, an array or a function that data table will get data from. If you do not set this, the data table will get data from data property
dataarrayOptional. You may set data directly here in form of associate array
emptyValuestring"-"Optional. Empty value is used to replace missing data in rows.
optionsarrayOptional. This property will hold all the extra settings for data tables
cssClassarrayOptional. You could set css classes for the table's table, th, tr, td, tf elemens.
attributesarrayOptional. You could set custom attributes for the table's table, th, tr, td, tf elemens.
showFooterbooleanOptional. Show table footer or not, default value is false.
scopearrayOptional. Data table will include the scope parameters in each of its ajax call to server-side operation.
serverSidebooleanOptional. Default value is false. Determine whether data table's operations are performed on server-side or client-side (default).
defaultPluginsarrayOptional. Set DataTables' default plugins to load with.
pluginsarrayOptional. Set DataTables' additional plugins to load with.
searchOnEnterbooleanfalseOptional. Make DataTables' filter only when users press Enter on the input field.
searchModestring"and"Optional. If searchMode=="or" DataTables'filter will treat string "or" as logic OR operator to split filter string into multiple filters.
complexHeadersbooleanfalseOptional. Use DataTables' complex headers with rowspan and colspan.
complexHeaderLabelsbooleanfalseOptional. Apply complex headers on column labels instead of column keys.
headerSeparatorstring" - "Optional. If complexHeaders == true, use this separator to separate headers' groups.

Client library files #

datagrid/DataTables widget makes use of the popular DataTables javascript table library. By default it uses v1.10 of the library. Since Datagrid package's version 8.0.0, libaries v1.13 and v2 are added and can be used via DataTablesJs and DataTablesCss properties:

        'DataTablesJs' => './dataTables1.13.1.min.js',
        'DataTablesCss' => './dataTables1.13.1.min.css',

        'DataTablesJs' => './v2/dataTables.min.js',
        'DataTablesCss' => './v2/dataTables.min.css',

        'DataTablesJs' => '', // or url to any library version
        'DataTablesCss' => '', // or url to any library version

"data" property #

If you have your own data in array format, you may use data property to display them in data table.


"columns" property #

columns property is used to list columns you want to display and its settings.


or more detail settings for each columns

            "label"=>"Customer Name",
            'data-order' => 'customerNumber', //order this column by customerNumber
            'data-search' => 'customerFullName', //search this column by customerFullName
            "label"=>"Product Name",

Format column value #

Normally, by settings "type" for column, the value of column will be formatted automatically. However, in some case, you may need manual format, you can do so with "formatValue" settings. "formatValue" can be a string or a function. For simple format, you may use string:

                'formatValue'=>'$ @value', // format to $12

Or you can specify in function:

                'formatValue'=>function($value, $row, $cKey)
                    if ($cKey === 'amount')
                        return $row["currency"]." ".number_format($value);
                        return $value;

Columns' aggregated footer #

Similarly to Table widget, DataTables has capability to show aggregated result of a column at footer. To do so you need to turn on footer by setting "showFooter"=>true. On the column you want to aggregate, you set "footer"=>"sum". The Table support "count", "avg", "min", "max" operation as well.

                "footerText"=>"Avg Sale: @value",

The "footerText" can be used to set any text at footer of column, it also can act as template. In above example, the @value will be replace with average of sale.

If you need more custom calculation for the footer, you may assign custom function to "footer" and do your own calculation and formatting. The custom function will receive a parameter which is the DataStore.

                    return "$".number_format($store->sum("amount"));
                "footerText"=>"Amount: @value",

Since version 7.5.0, you can have multiple aggregates for each column by using "aggregates":

        "columns" => [
            "customerName" => [],
            "dollar_sales" => [
                "footer" => "sum",
                "aggregates" => [
                    "totalCount" => ["count", "customerName"],                    
                    "avgSale" => ["avg", "dollar_sales"],
                "footerText" => "Sum: @value | Avg: @avgSale | Count: @totalCount",

DataTables' "footer" and "footerText" event work with "serverSide" => true since version 7.5.0.

Enable Searching #

To enable searching box for DataTables, you do:


Enable Paging #

To enable paging for DataTables, you do:


Sorting(ordering) preset #

The column sorting is enabled by default, you may preset sorting(order):

            array(0,"desc"), //Sort by first column desc
            array(1,"asc"), //Sort by second column asc

Column Reorder #

DataTables allows user to re-order columns by drag and drop, to enable the feature you do:


Fixed Header #

To get the fixed header on top of the page when scrolling, you set:


Row Selection #

To enable row selection in DataTables, we do:


Set custom CSS classes #

Assign an array like this:

        'table' => 'reportTable',
        'th' => 'reportHeader',
        'tr' => 'reportRow',
        'trJs' => "function(row, colMetas) { 
            return 'reportRow reportRowFromFunc'; 
        }", // client/js function, used when "fastRender" => true, to overide "tr" property
        'td' => 'reportCell',
        'td' => function($row, $colName, $colMeta) {
            return 'reportCell';
        'tdJs' => "function(rowData, colName, colMeta) { 
            return colName;
        }", // client/js function, used when "fastRender" => true, to overide "td" property
        'tf' => 'reportFooter'

Set custom CSS styles #

Assign an array like this:

        'table' => 'color: blue; font-style: italic',
        'th' => 'color: blue; font-style: italic',
        'tr' => 'color: blue; font-style: italic',
        'trJs' => "function(rowData, colMetas} {
            return 'color: brown';
        }", // client/js function, used when "fastRender" => true, to overide "tr" property
        'td' => function($row, $colName) {
            return 'color: blue; font-style: italic';
        'tdJs' => "function(rowData, colKey, colMeta) {
            return 'color: green';
        }", // client/js function, used when "fastRender" => true, to overide "td" property
        'tf' => 'color: blue; font-style: italic',

Custom attributes #

Assign an array like this:

    "attributes" => [
        "table" => ["custom-attrs" => 1],
        "table" => function($dataStore) {
            return [
                "custom-attrs" => 1
        "tr" => function($row, $colMetas) {
            return [
                "custom-attrs" => 1
        "trJs" => "function(row, colMetas) {
            return {
                'custom-attr-1': 'value-1',
                'custom-attr-2': 'value-2',
        }", // client/js function, used when "fastRender" => true, to overide "tr" property
        "td" => function($row, $colKey, $colMeta) {
            return [
                "custom-attrs" => $colKey
        'tdJs' => "function(row, colName, colMeta) { 
            return {
                'custom-attr-1': 'value-1',
                'custom-attr-2': 'value-2',
        }", // client/js function, used when "fastRender" => true, to overide "td" property
        "th" => function($colKey, $colMeta) {
            return [
                "custom-attrs" => 1
        "tf" => function($colKey, $colMeta) {
            return [
                "custom-attrs" => 1

serverSide #

If set to false (default), all data is loaded to data table and operations like paging, filtering, sorting are performed on client-side. If set to true, those operations are performed on server-side. Server-side operations are only supported if data table's datasource is a function that returns data from a supported datasource class like this:

    'name' => 'salesTable',
    'dataSource' => function() {
        return $this->src('mysql')
        ->query('select * from customer_product_dollarsales2');
    // "method"=>'post', //default = 'get'

Supported datasource classes include MySQLDataSource, SQLSRVDataSource, PostgreSQLDataSource, OracleDataSource and PdoDataSource (using with either mysql, sql server, postgresql or oracle).

Since version 8.0.0, serverSide property should work with all types of data sources, not just relational database types.

serverSideInstantSearch (version >= 7.5.0) #

By default, when "serverSide" => true DataTables disables isntant searching. To enable instant searching like when DataTables is client side you could force "serverSideInstantSearch" => true:

    "serverSideInstantSearch" => true    

overrideSearchInput (version >= 7.5.0) #

By default datagrid\DataTables overrides search input for features like searchOnEnter, serverSide's no instant search to work. Some plugins like mark.js which highlights search input content requires the search input binding. In such case users could set "overrideSearchInput" => false for mark.js to work:

    "overrideSearchInput" => false    

ajaxUrl (version >= 7.0.0) #

When serverSide => true, you can also set a property called ajaxUrl if your ajax url is different than the current report.

searchQuery (version >= 6.0.0) #

serverSide's searching works by wrapping the original query in a tmp table and add where conditions to create a search query like this:

select * (select * from customer_product_dollarsales2) tmp where {conditions}

This sometimes makes it slow. In some case you could insert the where condition directly to the original table with searchQuery property and "{datatables_search}" placeholder. For example:

    'name' => 'salesTable',
    'searchQuery' => 'select * from customer_product_dollarsales2 where {datatables_search}',
    'dataSource' => function() {
        return $this->src('mysql')
        ->query('select * from customer_product_dollarsales2');
    // "method"=>'post', //default = 'get'

With this setup, the search query would be like:

select * from customer_product_dollarsales2 where {conditions}

This is useful when your original query is already a complex one with multiple join, union, etc.

searchMode ("or" since version >= 3.0.0, "and|exact" since version 6.0.0) #

There're three search modes "or", "and", "exact" which could be enabled in any combination using "|" separator:

    "searchMode" => "or|and", //"and|exact", "or|and|exact", "exact|or"

These search modes work for both server side and client side. Noting that with client side, blanks (space, tab) always work like AND operator.

With "exact" mode, results would match the exact search. However, users could fill in totally custom sql wildcards (with server side) or regular expression (with client side) to search for patterns.

Client-side objects #

Beside standard DataTables javascript object's functions there's also a KoolReport DataTables js custom object which name is "KR" + DataTables' name:

        "name" => "MyTable1",
    var standardDT = MyTables; // standard DataTables javascript object
    var KoolReportDT = KRMyTable1; // KoolReport javascript custom object

Client-side standdard functions #

Here is the full list of api function which you can do with DataTables.

Client-side custom functions #

Here're client-side function of the KoolReport DataTables custom object:

expandAllGroups (version >= 7.0.0) #

Expand all client row groups at a certain level.

        "name" => "MyTable1",
        "clientRowGroup" => array(...)
    KRMyTable1.expandAllGroups(0); // expand all the first level row groups
    KRMyTable1.expandAllGroups(1); // expand all the second level row groups

collapseAllGroups (version >= 7.0.0) #

Expand all client row groups at a certain level.

toggleAllGroups (version >= 7.0.0) #

Toggle (expand if being collapsed, collapse if being expanding) all client row groups at a certain level.

expandRowDetail (version >= 7.0.0) #

Expand row detail at a certain row.

        "name" => "MyTable1",
        "rowDetailData" => function($row) {...}
    KRMyTable1.expandRowDetail(0); // expand row detail of the first row
    KRMyTable1.expandRowDetail(1); // expand row detail of the second row

collapseRowDetail (version >= 7.0.0) #

Collapse row detail at a certain row.

toggleRowDetail (version >= 7.0.0) #

Toggle (expand if being collapsed, collapse if being expanding) row detail at a certain row.

expandAllRowDetails (version >= 7.0.0) #

Expand row detail of all rows.

        "name" => "MyTable1",
        "rowDetailData" => function($row) {...}
    KRMyTable1.expandAllRowDetails(); // expand row detail of all rows

collapseAllRowDetails (version >= 7.0.0) #

Collapse row detail of all rows.

toggleAllRowDetails (version >= 7.0.0) #

Toggle (expand if being collapsed, collapse if being expanding) row detail of all rows.

Client-side events #

DataTables support client-side event, below are example of using select event. Note that you should assign name to table so that you can refer to table at client-side:

            var data = dt.rows( indexes ).data().pluck( 'id' );

            // do something with the ID of the selected items

Here is the full list of events which you can do with DataTables.

defaultPlugins (version >= 4.0.1) #

By default DataTables is loaded with these plugins: "AutoFill", "ColReorder", "RowGroup", "Select". You could override this with defaultPlugins property.

    "defaultPlugins"=>array() // make DataTables load no plugins initially

plugins (version >= 4.0.1) #

In addition to default plugins, you could set DataTables to load the following plugins: "Buttons", "FixedColumns", "FixedHeader", "KeyTable", "Responsive", "RowReorder", "Scroller", "SearchPanes" with the plugins property.

    "plugins"=>array("Buttons", "FixedColumns", "FixedHeader", "KeyTable", "Responsive", "RowReorder", "Scroller", "SearchPanes")

clientRowGroup (version >= 5.0.0) #

DataTables supports row grouping through its RowGroup plugin but its setting is a bit complicated. We simplify that row group setting with clientRowGroup property. For example:

    "clientRowGroup" => [
        "customerName" => [
            'direction' => 'asc', //'asc', 'desc'
            'calculate' => [
                'totalSales' => [
                    'sum', //'sum', 'count', 'avg', 'min', 'max'
                    "format" => "function(value) {return value.toFixed(2);}",
            "top" => "<td colspan='999'>{expandCollapseIcon} Top: Customer: {customerName} | Total: {totalSales}</td>",
            "bottom" => "<td colspan='999'>{expandCollapseIcon} Bottom: Customer: {customerName} | Customer sales: {totalSales}</td>",
        "productLine" => [
            'calculate' => [
                'customAvgSales' => [
                    "aggregate" => "function(rows, group, aggFieldIndex) {
                        return rows
                        .reduce( function (a, b) {
                            return a + 1*b.replace(/[^\d\.]/g, '');
                        }, 0) / rows.count()}
                    'field' => 'dollar_sales',
            "top" => "<td colspan='999'>{expandCollapseIcon} Top: Line: {productLine} | Custom avg: {customAvgSales}",

It contains a list of fields for data rows to group on. Each field has the following options:

row group optiondefaultdescriptionExample values
direction"asc"determines the group field's sorting order"asc", "desc"
calculate[]defines aggregated values for grouped rows["totalSales" => ["sum", "dollar_sales", "numberOfOrders" => ["count", "orderId"]]
top""template string to appear at the top of a row group, can contain group name and aggregated valuesCustomer: {customerName}, Total sales: {totalSales}
bottom""template string to appear at the bottom of a row group, can contain group name and aggregated valuesCustomer: {customerName}, Number of orders: {numberOfOrders}

Calculate is a list of aggregated values with the following options:

calculate optiondescriptionExample values
0 or operatoraggregate operator"sum", "count", "avt", "min", "max
1 or fielda field to aggregate on"dollar_sales", "orderNumber"
aggregatestring of custom javascript function to return custom aggregate on group rows"function(rows, group, aggFieldIndex) { ... }"
formatstring of javascript function to format aggregated value"function(value) {return value.toFixed(5);}"

rowspan (version >= 7.0.0) #

In case you only want to group/merge same-value continuous cells in certain columns there's a handle property called rowspan which is defined by an array of column names or column orders:

        "rowspan" => [0, 1], // ["customerName", "productLine"]

removeDuplicate (version >= 7.0.0) #

An alias for rowspan.

groupCellsInColumns (version >= 7.0.0) #

An alias for rowspan.

fastRender (version >= 5.0.0) #

If you have thousands or tens of thousands of rows, a normal rendering them all initially could be slow while using "serverSide" processing could be complicated and an overkill. In those cases "fastRender" together with paging could be a save:

        "fastRender" => true,
        "options" => [
            "paging" => true,

When "fastRender" is true, only rows of the current active page are rendered while the rest of them are stored in a javascript object.

It's cautioned that some few DataTables' options might not work or only work partially in "fastRender" mode because not all rows are rendered. They include "cssClass" (tr's and td's functions lack the row argument), "attributes".

Row detail (version >= 5.0.0) #

With table data presentation, there's a usual case of not showing all data in one row and showing full content in an expanded/collapsed row detail section instead. DataTables supports this feature with a really simple property rowDetailData, which could be a server-based (php) function:

        "rowDetailData" => function($row) {
            return "Server-built row detail: " . $row['orderDate'];

or a client-based (javascript) one:

        "rowDetailData" => "function(row) {
            return 'Client-built row detail: ' + row.orderDate;

With client-based function, you can only access columns defined in columns property or if columns is empty (indicating that all columns of datasource are output.)

By default rowDetailData adds an expanding/collapsing icon for each row but you could disable the icons by setting rowDetailIcon property to false:

        "rowDetailData" => ...,
        "rowDetailIcon" => false,

In that case, expanding/collapsing row detail is done by clicking the whole row, unless you set a rowDetailSelector property:

        "rowDetailData" => ...,
        "rowDetailIcon" => false,
        "rowDetailSelector" => "td:first-child", //expand/collapse row detail by clicking the first column
        "rowDetailSelector" => "td.col-customer-name", //expand/collapse row detail by clicking column with class name col-customer-name

Get started with KoolReport

KoolReport will help you to construct good php data report by gathering your data from multiple sources, transforming them into valuable insights, and finally visualizing them in stunning charts and graphs.